But then you read this: "Hello, my father just died". This is John Piper writing:
"Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for sixty-one years of faithfulness to me. I am simply looking into his face now. Thank you. You were a good father. You never put me down. Discipline, yes. Spankings, yes. But you never scorned me. You never treated me with contempt. You never spoke of my future with hopelessness in your voice. You believed God’s hand was on me. You approved of my ministry. You prayed for me. Everyday. That may be the biggest change in these new days: Daddy is no longer praying for me.
I look you in the face and promise you with all my heart: Never will I forsake your gospel. O how you believed in hell and heaven and Christ and cross and blood and righteousness and faith and salvation and the Holy Spirit and the life of holiness and love. I rededicate myself, Daddy, to serve your great and glorious Lord Jesus with all my heart and with all my strength. You have not lived in vain. Your life goes on in thousands. I am glad to be one".
There's a day for debates and for arguing. But right now I am consumed with gratefulness for the amazing blessings poured out upon me. Every breath is a gift from Him and for that He is worthy of the highest, most passionate worship that we can offer!
1 comment:
Thanks for this godward perspective! Sometimes the fires of debate can become so weary and it is so good to sit back and reflect on the precious nature of life. It is a holy, precious moment when the Lord Jesus arrives to take a saint of His home. Why is it that so many close to death see angels, heavenly lights and even the Saviour Himself standing ready to take them home? It is something I dream of more and more as I reach the end of my life.
May each day that we live, each breath that we breath be one of worship to God for the life He has given us.
Dr S A J Burgess
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