Another benefit about enrolling now is that you get George Kouri's book "The Signs of the Kingdom" as a free PDF file download. Me being me, I've begun reading it and was moved to tears by his dedication of the book to Ern Baxter. This is what he wrote;

"This book is lovingly and gratefully dedicated to the memory of W. J. E (Ern) Baxter.
Brother Baxter was a rugged and courageous pioneer among evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic leaders of the 20th century in the recovery of a truly Biblical understanding of the Kingdom of God, the New Testament Church and Apostolic Ministry.
His monumental knowledge of the Holy Scriptures together with his extrordinary depth of insight and understanding of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God made him a giant among the servants of God of this century. Also his prophetic sensitivity to the present move of the Holy Spirit coupled with his uncommon grasp of the immense issues facing the church as it moves into the 21st century made him a voice crying in the wilderness;
"Prepare the way of the Lord!"
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