I do this every now and then, but there have been a few things that have been worth noting that are happening around the globe. Some things I like. And some I don't (but haven't mentioned because I'm being good). Of course!

Gavin White has been away to their Bible Week - going and come back. This was the dynamic sounding, "Without Borders 06: See Above and Beyond". It really did sound an incredible time and it's so exciting to read of partners in the Gospel who have just as big visions of God and of the Church as Newfrontiers! Don't believe me? How's this for a soundbite: "Keri Jones sharing on reaching into the 193 nations in the world over the next two years with the gospel and good news of Jesus Christ". 193 nations! In the next two years!
Castle Sands has the best views on blogging I have yet to read. How's this for a challenge to any open-minded blogger? "My point is that we do not need any more average Christian books. Similarly, we do not need any more average Christian blogs. Am I merely adding to the pile of average Christian blogs? Are you?". There are indeed a lot of Christian blogs around - surely we should all be asking ourselves is what we are writing worthwhile? Or could we be using our time better? Because after all, one day we are going to have to give account to the Lord Jesus Christ for what we typed.
CCK worship leader Simon Brading has got an interesting way to relax. But I think you need to be on Brighton beach to do it ...while other CCK worship leader Stuart Townend is in Northern Ireland next week leading worship while John Piper and R T Kendall preach. How is it that I never get to hear of these AMAZING conferences until they are happening?!
Scotty is thinking of heaven!
And Sven brings pure music to my heart. He expressed exactly what I felt on the whole "Who killed Jesus" thing (caused by a bit of emotional rhetoric). And he stated the one thing that noone else seems to be saying; "One of my problems with Adrian's summary of the Gospel is that apart from anything else, it does not mention the resurrection of Jesus. Take the resurrection out of the Gospel, and not only does it cease to make sense, but there is no Gospel at all". Amen!
So having mentioned that, during the next few days I am going to be posting a transcript of a message of Ern Baxter's that I have just listened to (and recently acquired from the USA). It is called; "A Serious Neglect" and it is the most powerfully argued message on why Ern Baxter felt that the Resurrection keeps on (and urgently must not keep) being neglected and left out of the Gospel message. Agree with it or disagree - he must be heard.
Oh go on ... mention the bad stuff!! I love it when you are naughty and stir!! :)
It's interesting - I noted that someone left a comment under this person - Adrian's - summary of the Gospel ALSO saying "Where is the Resurrection?".
I hadn't even realised that we have moved an entire circle and begun leaving it out again. I will be extremely interested to read Ern Baxter's cry to the Church to not forget that "Christ is Risen - He is Risen indeed!".
Your summaries of what's going on around the web are cool. You should give out awards (especially to me, as I am CLEARLY your favourite hehe). You should call them Dannys (as in Emmys lol) !!
Anyway, keep up the good work Danny !!
My feeling is that to give out awards, you are presupposing yourself to be someone or something worthy of giving those same awards. I wouldn't like to be that presumptious as I am noone worthy of anything really.
Yes, the more I listen to that Resurrection message the more I realise how subtle the errors we slip into. I hope the transcript ruffles some feathers. Because I think Ern has a point. A very vital point.
As for the bad stuff ... well no promises. ;)
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