Josh Harris brought the correct focus of both his church - Covenant Life - and indeed the wider Christian community back to the glorious truths of doctrine in his sermon yesterday;

"I have very important news for you today church. The Son of God has paid the penalty for all of our sins, Jesus Christ who was crucified has risen from the dead and is even now ruling at the right hand of God over this entire universe! There is nothing in all creation that can separate us from His love! He has promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us! He has promised us that His Church will prevail against the gates of hell and He has told us to take heart when we face tribulation because He has already overcome the world - and He is coming for us. Covenant Life - don't take your eyes off this truth".
Josh then went on to apply the freeing and encouraging truths of this doctrine to both CLC and SGM;
"These are troubling times for us as a church. God is taking our church through a difficult season and this past week was difficult for many of you. Your pastors have been praying for you. We understand the wide range of emotions you are experiencing - confusion, grief, disillusionment. Yet we have also experienced a rising hope that Jesus is in the midst of the storm with us. This awesome God is up to good for His people - He is shaking lives that we may cling more tightly to Him. I have friends who think I have betrayed C J by not standing by him enough. I have friends who think I have lacked integrity by standing with C J and Sovereign Grace. I have come to the conclusion I have too many friends!".
I am so glad that a key leader involved in these troubles is focusing on the truth of doctrine we celebrate rather than getting involved in "C J did this" or " C J did that". Having read the 600+ documents that Brent Detweiler carefully wrote - there are a couple of theological issues I do want to focus on and consider - because I think they are vitally important to the foundations of "Building a house".
They are Brent's considerations on;
1. The place and Person of the Holy Spirit.
2. Apostles as Ephesians 4 Ministries.
But disagreements and considerations aside - the truths Josh Harris cited are indeed the most important. That ALL our sins (past, present and future) have been dealt with at the Cross (that includes C J Mahaney's pride as well as other's gossip!) and He is now reigning on high.
1 comment:
Kinda looks like mini-me doesn't it? Bald head, suit n all.
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