Another "change" coming to Newfrontiers is the finishing of the wonderful magazine edited by Terry Virgo. Terry gave us this rather shock announcement in his final session at "Together on a Mission" and said this would be the penultimate edition which we were given at the conference. I was saddened to hear this - I've had a deep love for the magazine which I have been carefully collecting since back in my university days.

One of the major riches of the magazine is the "Firstline" introduction as editor that Terry would write. I've read through some of my magazines and have posted some of my favourite Terry quotes below;
"The challenge remains for us to be enthusiastic in our embracing of the activity of the Holy Spirit and to be through in our commitment to Biblical truth" - Firstline, Jan-March 2007
"It is very possible to deplore the closing of church buildings and be saddened by the apparant collapse of Christianity but if we simply see it in Ern Baxter's terms, we realise that Saul's kingdom is fading fast but David's kingdom is emerging. There is a new anointing" - Firstline - Sep-Nov 2004
"One of the most important apostolic responsibilities therefore is to define who are the people of God" - Sept-Nov 2003.
"As we go on world mission, we believe we are the fulfillment of promises made to Abraham that in him all the families of the earth would be blessed (Gen 12:3) and that he was the heir of the world (Rom 4:13)" - Firstline - Sept - Dec 2005.
"The new wine demanded a new wineskin. When we came together, we had to make room for God's Presence in this exciting new way" - Firstline - April-June 2006
"Once the local church rediscovers her glorious calling, she rises to true significance. She is a dwelling place for God's Spirit. She is corporately the light of the world, a city set on a hill which cannot be hid" - Firstline - April - June 2006.
"Be sure to run (your race) with zeal and committment fixing your eyes on Jesus 'the author and perfector of faith whofor the joy set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" - Firstline - March-May 2005.
"Jesus was weary of His unbelieving followers. He could not be indifferent or complacent. He could not passively accomodate their failure" - Firstline - April-June 2007.
"The Cross was a form of public execution of unparalelled degradation and repulsiveness" - Firstline - Oct-Dec 2007.
1 comment:
Those are some incredible quotes but they are so right even for today.
"we realise that Saul's kingdom is fading fast but David's kingdom is emerging. There is a new anointing" - Firstline - Sep-Nov 2004
"One of the most important apostolic responsibilities therefore is to define who are the people of God" - Sept-Nov 2003.
"As we go on world mission, we believe we are the fulfillment of promises made to Abraham that in him all the families of the earth would be blessed (Gen 12:3) and that he was the heir of the world (Rom 4:13)" - Firstline - Sept - Dec 2005.
Dan - do you mind if I use these along the way? Thanks for the post!!
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