Brighton Here We Come!!
I just couldn't resist! I am just so full of anticipation and expectation as to what God might do! I think it's going to be quite a year!! And that isn't just because I'm a huge Terry Virgo fan and just can't wait to hear him preach again (although I am and I can't!) and it isn't because I'm a massive Kate Simmonds fan and can't wait to worship God under her amazingly sensative prophetic leadership (although I am and I can't!) - but above all it's because I have never encountered such a group of passionately hungry people who just want to encounter God!
I don't want to put my feet up and wait for Brighton to just be carried along by a tidal wave, but I want this to spur me to get ready - to prepare my heart - and yes definately pray and fast! Thanks for the reminder Mark!
This can't be 'just another conference'! There's a dying world out there that must hear and be saved! And I just long that this is the year the people of God get it together and go out and fulfill what we were sent to do - do GO and make disciples of nations!! But do it in the power of the Spirit!
Booking online is available at Newfrontiers! Anyone else coming??!
Wow - awesome! Thanks for the pointer ... I will be there definately!
Horray horray horray!! I think that the promises of God are so strongly over this week ... God honours unity and we are coming together to seek Him!! We aren't satisfied with the status quo! We long for more - we long for revival!!
Cool. It doesn't tell you how much its gonna cost though before you've entered your details. I'll probably get to go for one day, and Steph for one day as well
Yere that's the only bummer. It works out at £96 each for the whole week. Still - What price the glory of God??!?!
I wish! Have a great time, we might be on our way to Canada by then. If so, I'll be quite happy myself. Worship in Fredericton was very very very good. http://www.tmpchurch.ca/
Awww I do hope so!! If God treats me to any money, then I am so paying your air fare and entry!! Thanks for the site link - wow v exciting! D xx
Awesome stuff!! I cant wait for Mobilise - its gonna be so amazing to meet with God and get re-fired with the vision of being on the move!! WOWWWWWWW!!! Come God.
Ah hah - so suddenly the mask slips and you are indeed a typical excitable charismatic who loves experience! What a shame.
I'm not sure who's mask you meant slipping, but if it was mine then ... guilty as charged! ;) The worrying thing is I am an exciteable person by nature, so if I am not getting excited about much then its not a good sign!
So, S.J., what's your problem with "experience?"
The Bible is silent about the internal reactions of many heroes who undoubtedly had "experiences" with the living God. But their experiences produced reactions such as falling down as if dead (John), feeling ill for days (Daniel), trembling with fear (Moses and any number of Old Testament folks), and rejoicing with delight (Jesus). God never rebuked any of these people for their reactions -- only for unbelief or disobedience.
While I don't judge the reality of God based on my *personal* experience, anytime I have a felt experience with the Lord, I appreciate the fact that his spiritual being can produce reactions in my spiritual being that transfer to my bodily senses and emotions. I look forward to having felt experiences, just as I look forward to getting exuberant, emotional hugs and kisses from my family, instead of emotionless recitations of the phrase "I love you." Don't you prefer bodily experience to mere intellectual cognition?
How sad to have to think that God, who made us as spirits encased in physical bodies and called His creation "very good," would shy away from any interaction with ourselves that affected our bodily senses!
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