And I couldn't allow these two really exciting points to go unmentioned before bed! Even while ill, Dr John Piper shows no signs of letting up and 'taking life easy'. He's got a new book - "Contending For Our All" - out that I will SO be ordering! I can't wait for that to appear in the UK. This is the fourth in his biography series that he presents at the Bethlehem Conference for Pastors. He is covering the lives of Athanasius, John Owen and J Grescham Machen.
And secondly he has organised an awesome sounding National Conference following on from Suffering and the Supremacy of God - this conference will be covering "The Supremacy of God in a Postmodern World" and the speakers are David Wells, D A Carson, Mark Driscoll and John Piper himself. As we speak I am working on my finances to see if I can afford to go. Carson and Piper in the same room ... I can't resist!
Sounds awesome. We need to start a petition for a DG conference in the UK!
Yes I will second that!
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