Free Books For Free Reviews*.
The latest trend among some is to send out free books and CD's so that they get free reviews. It's an interesting concept to me, however I wasn't particularly bothered in joining the race to become one of the chosen 144, 000 ... oops I mean 50 to get that elusive freebie. However it did get me thinking whether it would be worth writing to various authors promising a review if I could get some free books. I wrote to one author and promised nice things on my blog if he would send me some of his books and I was quite amazed with the result (see pix >).
However the famous author attached a caveat to his gift - I have to read them all and review them within the week. What a challenge - otherwise I have to buy them.
(*this post in tongue-in-cheek and these books really are mine)
Again another hit out against SGM, you seem very bitter
As a cited review....
I think it has to be said that it is a bit of a risky strategy though. Costs almost nothing financially since cost-price for books is almost nothing.... but there's no guarentee of getting a good review.
I got four freebies in 2005, an ESV, Humility, Sex and the Supremacy of Christ, and Awesome God CD. I happened to think they're all basically pretty good - granted the query on Song of Songs interpretation in S&TSC.
He is very bitter, if you knew how he suffered at the incompetent hands of the UK SGM churches, then you might understand !!!
But otherwise a FUN article.
A risky strategy but an interesting one. I think it's quite an innovative way of using blogs to spread the message and their resources. Fair play to them - and you Bluefish!! :)
And let me say again to the Anonymous person ... I was joking!
Followed the blog for a while. Be interested in your story re: SGM. email me at stewpots_usa@hotmail.com
Ha ha ha ha I love it. Well you wouldn't want to upset Mr Spurgeon, so we will expect to see no blog entries all this week - you will be too busy reading the great man's sermons!
Sent you an email Stewart, hope it gets there - let me know if not!
I love it!!
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