I found this in an old Restoration magazine and thought it was of historical interest. I noted that he went to Seaford to speak at a Leaders and Wives event organised by Terry Virgo. He came to my home town on June 29th to speak at an event organised by my home church and of course was at the Dales Bible Week - July 30th to August 5th.

WOWWW!! What an awesome blog!! Such richness! I am going to start reading straight away! I just found it for the first time through a google search!!
So ... are you a relation of Dr Baxter?
Hmmmmm...summer of 1977. I was 10 1/2 years old then - my parents were just beginning to dabble in charismatic circles. I was a mess (hearing voices, deeply disturbed as a child), our home life was less than happy, my mother suicidal, but we were staunch Presbyterians, never missing a Sunday! ;-) My mother rec'd the baptism in the Holy Spirit that year ('77), and also was delivered from a spirit that used to visit her in the night. *GAH!* Soon after, my father was filled with the Spirit, and by the end of 1977, we were sneaking furtively to a charismatic church, parking in the backside of the parking lot. This turned out to be THE same church that sent my husband and I out to plant Harvest Church...16 years later.
Like the old song says...."it was a very good year..."
Ah you see, it was a good year for me too. I was somewhere inside my mum when they were at the mighty Dales Bible Week! Maybe that's when I developed my love for Ern Baxter .... ?
Then went on to be born in the December of 1977!!
Wow ... thats amazing about your parents!!
I see this amazing copy of Dr Baxter's itinerary and indeed the work that you do in this blog as the "pile of stones" mentioned in the book of Exodus. It stands as a reminder to the past moves of God. It speaks of what God has done. And what God will do.
But could I mention a warning that I am sure you know? Surely we must be careful not to allow this to become a watermark by which to judge all new moves of the Spirit. I know you would not do this, because I have read the other excellent articles you have included like Jonathan Edward's work.
So ... lets allow Ern Baxter's insights into the revelations and the truth of God to increase our passion for revival, but not allow us to hinder it - when God comes!
Dr S A J Burgess
Yes I would most definately second that. Dr Lloyd-Jones noted that some of the worst opponents to new moves of God are those who lived in past revivals. Just as similarly Terry Virgo spoke powerfully on "Fan into flames the gift of God" and asked - what is the worst thing for quenching fire? The answer was of course - Ash.
What is Ash?
That which burned yesterday.
I like that analogy. That's pretty darn powerful. And I guess to take that picture one step further, the fire needs DAILY tending. That's why God loves the "Now" Word I think!!
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