I Spy ...
It seems blog-protocol to every now and then note what one has been reading or has found. Now the natural rebel in me doesn't like conforming to protocol but there has been some exciting things around so here goes:
Hugh wrote an article on "Ern Baxter - Further Links and Information". He mentioned the extremely exciting comment left by Charles Simpson's son that I mentioned a couple of blogs entries back inviting fans over to the Ern Baxter library and mentioning the CSM Leadership Conference (that so upset both Sheila and myself) with Charles Simpson, Bob Mumford and Terry Virgo as key speakers.
I am ever so grateful that Hugh mentioned my manuscript on "The Priestly Clothing" as well. It remains my passion that Ern Baxter gets the widest readership that is possible. Thank you again to Mark for being willing to post these manuscripts for me.
Thank goodness that there is someone else out there who isn't bothered by the forthcoming "Da Vinci Code" film. Dave B says quite rightly that this is "just another person" offering the world a cost-free Jesus. He's still getting free books to review though ... lucky. ;)
Interesting to compare two friends of mine as to "What type of Christian am I?". Luke Wood is a 'Reformed Evangelical' whereas Jul is seems to vascillate between being a 'Fundamentalist' and being a 'Charismatic/Pentecostal'. I took the test and was told that I had broken the programme ... does that mean I'm an unchartable Christian??! Or just clumsy?
Bryn Jones' son Ger has started what looks like it could be a fascinating discussion. He asks: "Is there such a thing as a 'charismatic' way to read the Bible? ... is there a charismatic hermeneutic?". Mark Heath, in typical wisdom and wit, commented and came up with a picture of the possible divide: "Charismatic favourite OT prophecies are those speaking of revival. Conservative evangelical favourite OT prophecies are those speaking of the cross".
All credit to Scotty boy for being consistent. His trend seems to be to be to blog once a month somewhere in the "20's". He weighed in on the "Draw Me Close debate" with a fervent defence of my favourite song. His conclusion? ""Draw Me Close to You" is biblical, all throughout Psalms David's heart yearned for the nearness of God". Take that Charles Colson ... ;)
Castle Sands mirrored the cries of my heart today exactly with a post on: "The Pit of Prayerlessness". This quote particularly moved me: "It is a tragedy of massive proportions when we keep ourselves away from His presence simply because we have struggled, not only with temptations, but with sin as well".
SGM boss C J Mahaney came out with an excellent warning to carry to all conferences: “This conference can be a means of progressive self-deception if we think hearing these messages insures present and future growth". Yes he may have been speaking of T4G but it is wisdom that transcends all conferences and is a warning I shall definately be carrying with me to Brighton. Conferences - especially where the power of God and the Word of God are strongly manifest - can be heady wine. We can feel so close to heaven! Yet we must remember the conferences and the gifts from God of the anointed speakers are meant to galvinise us into aggressively pursuing and putting into practice what we have heard. (HT: Bob Kauflin).
A good roundup of blogs dealing with the TG4 statement and women.
And finally ... Many will have noticed a wise and eloquent commentator who appears from time to time when I have written something - called Don. I am so grateful to God for my growing friendship with this man. We share similar and powerful parts of history and he has had more of an impact in the few months we have been emailing, than many have in years. He writes and runs a fascinating blog called: "Zap* Germs". I read this daily through a professional interest as an Intensive Care nurse and have learnt a lot! There's more to this guy than meets the eye ... my only wish is that he starts writing something regularly on a theological level.
Wow - kind words AND a solid link to my blog! It don't get better than that online! Guess this means I'll have to post something soon to Zap*Germs, huh? I've been so consumed by work and family this week that the germ world has had to fend for itself (doesn't need my help, y'know).
Many thanks, Dan; I value your friendship greatly, as well, and especially your pointing us to revival while also championing -- dare I say it? -- "sound doctrine." Many times I heard CJ say variations of your quote: going to a meeting or conference has no *direct* bearing on the progress of our spirituality. No matter what goosebumps we get, great notes we scribble, or powerful "whomps" the Spirit of God hits us with, what matters is how we work with God's grace to *change* once we come back down the mountain, and deal with friends, family, coworkers, etc.
Great set of quotes!! V v helpful thanks so much!
I'm glad that there are a growing number of blogs that note the bizarre inconsistency with the T4G Statement. That they will ignore baptism yet specify the whole CBMW thing ... I don't get it. It's a useful link to have - thanks for noticing it.
I love the Castle Sands article. I think this spirit of the need to pray is growing across the nation. It is as though the sleeping giant that is the Church is slowly waking up to realise that nothing will happen without us getting on our knees. Thank you too for sharing from the Prayer Meeting at Brighton ... sounds like heaven!
I was awesomely challenged by the quote from you-know-who. Good stuff! IT is so true, its so easy to gear ones life around conferences especially if you can get to good ones like Brighton! Yet we cannot take it for granted. I mean ... NFI stopped Stoneleigh!! Who's to say that they won't stop Brighton if God said!?!? Oops ... will I be stoned for that?! Well lets pray not ... but what if they did!? The whole object has got to be - are we encountering God tehre? And if we are ... are we taking that experience home to fire our passion and desire and longing for more of God in our day-to-day existence.
Thanks for that reminder!!
Thank you for once again being the "champion" of the Holy Spirit. It is amazing that the Charismatic Renewal is hardly over ... yet we have already forgotten Him. Neglected Him. Grieved Him. Quenched Him.
Oops sorry - I meant to put that comment under the Baxter article on the Holy Spirit ... my mistake! Put it down to age ...
Oops sorry - I meant to put that comment under the Baxter article on the Holy Spirit ... my mistake! Put it down to age ...
I really enjoyed the link to Hugh's website. It was so exciting to see that the Ern Baxter fansite is growing and spreading!! Hallelujah!! It is vital that his words are heard still today because his view of the Church and of God is profoundly still advanced for today I think.
And great to see that Charles Simpson's son left a message! Wow. I would have to join you in wanting to go to THE Library!!
Thanks for a great set of links.
RE "is there a charismatic way to read the Bible?" I'm thinking about that.
I have a Holy Spirit Bible edited by Jack Hayford and containing many small articles by a variety of well-known writers/pastors on matters relating to the Spirit. And in the overview of each book of the Bible, Hayford includes discussion of the Spirit's role/appearance in the book. I've never seen another Bible focus so much on the role of the Spirit.
Yes I've got that Bible too! "The Spirit-filled Life Bible" isn't it?! It's so excellent. I think it is Wayne Grudem who "did" Romans. It's an v interesting concept - how to read the Bible charismatically - but I am more troubled by Mark's insight and suggestion that charismatics seem taken up with the OT prophets while evangelicals are taken up with the Cross. Its true - to an extent - but still troubles me.
It troubles me that charismatics may therefore have a tendancy to ignore or abandon the Cross while evangelicals are abandoning and ignoring promises from the OT like "The Latter Rain ... will be greater than the former".
I don't think Newfrontiers ignore the Cross. After all the recent Brighton Leaders Conference worship CD was titled "The Power of the Cross"!!
But an interesting concept all the same ...
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