Regular readers of this blog will know that I am deeply committed to not allowing the past movements of God to fade into history. I was thrilled therefore to find these photos when I was reading a past copy of the outstanding "Restoration" magazine. Terry Virgo is in the first photo in the dark jacket with both his hands raised. I think David Tomlinson is standing to the right of him. While we don't seek a return to those days of the seventies in a sentimental way, those years were remarkable in seeing God move in supernatural ways that were unheard of before. Remembering the past should be a springboard to deepening our hunger for greater and deeper moves of God.

What an incredible snapshot into history for those of us who weren't able to be there at those incredible days! Just seeing those apostles and prophets standing together worshipping on the platform reminds me of the verse in Acts just after the Holy Spirit has fallen where it says; "Peter standing together with the eleven".
There's something incredibly powerful and unifying in seeing leaders - Christ's ascension gifts to us - standing together and worshipping!
Dr S A J Burgess
I would agree. That's something I always used to appreciate about the Stoneleigh Bible Weeks and the Brighton conferences - that all the Newfrontiers apostolic team would sit there together and it was something I missed this year. I know they did it because they've reduced the size of the platform but it was still a shame!
Excellent Photographs - Love the trendy clothes!, seriously, it is good to know where our spiritual roots are so we can continue to be fruitful on a good foundation in our time and generation
Yes they are rather fabulous aren't they?! I think that's the last time Terry has been seen in a tie and a jacket!! :)
Yes I think these photographs are something like the pile of stones by the River Jordon that reminded the generations to come what the Lord had done.
It's a long while since I was at all the Dales Weeks! But in the first photo, I'm fairly sure that was David Matthew to the right of Terry, and Keri Jones to his right. Dave Tom may well be 5th from the right. In the 2nd photo, that's Arthur Wallis 3rd from left, and Dave Mansell 5th from left.
Strange indeed. The singing was reminiscent of being at a football match, singing for your team. Who are these self-appointed apostles frightening people to give their lives up for something unproven.
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