Leon Morris - 1914 - 2006.Theologian and author Leon Morris has gone home to be with the Lord. Prof D A Carson wrote an appreciation of his life
here. Here's a few extracts:

"Dr Morris wrote more than fifty books, pitched at an array of levels. Three were on the cross, one of which, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross, should to this day be on any preacher’s list of “must” books. But apart from a knack for writing workmanlike commentaries on New Testament books (he managed to slip in one Old Testament commentary, too!), on several occasions Dr Morris demonstrated a knack for addressing a fad that he thought was unhelpful. For instance, at a time when a small but growing number of scholars were arguing that the structure and substance of the canonical Gospels could largely be explained by showing how they allegedly aligned with lectionaries used in the synagogues, Dr Morris published a little book with the title The New Testament and the Jewish Lectionaries—never one of his best sellers, of course, but a useful piece that helped a generation of students sort through one of the muddles of the day.
Leon and Mildred had no children, but were parents to many. His more extended family and many friends recall the man even more powerfully than his scholarship: we cannot think of him without a smile, recalling the godly humility combined with puckish humor. Confident that Christians never say their last goodbye, already we look forward to renewing ties with him".
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A Mighty Giant has received his reward.
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