I am thrilled to report that after months of typing, writing and listening, Dr Ern Baxter's monumental series at the Lakes Bible Week 1975 is being made available online! Ern's spiritual son - George Kouri - is doing this wonderful job. For those who haven't heard of Brother Kouri before, he heads up an apostolic movement of men and here is a brief biography;
"Brother Kouri has been in the ministry for more than fifty years, and is recognized as an apostolic father and teacher. He is the head of Apostolic Ministries International, the Presiding Apostle of the Communion of Apostolic Churches, the President of The Ern Baxter Institute of Apostolic and Prophetic Studies and The Apostles Theological Seminary".
He has made the "King and His Army" transcripts available primarily for his theological students at the Apostles Theological Seminary but fortunately we can all benefit from them - so many thanks to him. I believe he will be making them available over time so for now here is the opening foreword to the transcripts that I wrote and the first message Ern gave in the series. In introducing the "King and His Army", Brother Kouri wrote;
"THE KING AND HIS ARMY is series of strategically important prophetic messages preached by J. Ern Baxter in the UK at the Lakes Bible Week in 1975. As one of Brother Baxter’s sons in the faith, I had the great joy and privilege of being with him, my life and ministry forever impacted and shaped by the profound and powerful Word of the Lord proclaimed. This series of messages places before us one of three major prophetic models found in the rich typology of the Old Testament for the Apostolic Reformation of the Church today.
Brother Ern used to say: "Four men speak to the Church typically from the Old Testament today. Adam speaks to us racially; Abraham speaks to us redemptively; Moses speaks to us congregationally, and David speaks to us regally or royally!" David’s long and difficult journey from Ziklag to Zion speaks prophetically today about the stages in the strategic journey of reformation that the Church must make, if we would move from our present subnormality and ineffectiveness to maturity and the fulfillment of mission and destiny!
Dan Bowen, my friend from the UK, is involved in that journey. Because of his sensitivity to the Spirit, his appreciation and respect for Brother Baxter, and his diligent labor in faithfully transcribing these messages from the Lakes Bible Week, we are able to present this strategically important prophetic series. But before presenting Ern’s first powerful message, “The Head and Shoulders Man” I present Brother Bowen’s tribute, “A Prophet - One as Untimely Born”
Here it is: "A Prophet - as One Untimely Born".
And here is Message 1: "The Head and Shoulders Man".
Enjoy. More to come. :)
1 comment:
Good work. I felt the prophetic side of Ern Baxter when I first heard this message in the summer of 1974, Grand Rapids,Michigan. The transition from the Kingdom of Saul to the Kingdom of David. We aren't there yet... I appreciate the efforts of people, including myself, who desire to preserve the truth of men like Ern. Many die "in faith". With the introduction now of Dr.Miles Munroe's books with His emphasis on "Kingdom" (3 new books) maybe the hour has come? We in the States don't understand Kingdom being in a democracy, but the whole Bible can't be understood unless we understand the principles of Kingdom. The King and His Army, must be understood as well. Thanks, and carry on. As Ern said to me once, during a comment from 1 Tim. "Does that make you raise your eyebrows, Bill?" Contact me at wmevans@PeoplePC.com Bill Evans
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