One of the many strengths that come out from CCK, Brighton is their outstanding gifting in worship. The wonderful Kate Simmonds used to lead the team there until her recent move to Australia with Peter Brookes. Other worship leaders of course include Stuart Townend, Paul Oakley, Phatfish and the awesome Simon Brading (who will be helping to lead worship at Together on a Mission 2007!). To be involved in a time of worship there often felt something like being at Stoneleigh. They demonstrate a passionate, Christ-exalting, God-centred prophetic gifting to lead the people of God into the throne room and bask in the Presence of the Holy Spirit and it is just ... heavenly!

However CCK cannot be accused of being exclusivist or hiding their tremendous giftings under a bushel. For some time they have run a Worship School where they invite pastors, worship leaders, and just worshippers in general to come and receive from their experience, passion and gifting. This is no theological, dry time! It is theologically based but the topics give away their passions to draw people in to experience God's love and His pleasure. They hold main sessions and more practical workshops where I believe there is an opportunity to try out songs and music and receive advice from the CCK team.
I've never managed to get to a Worship School although I know that Pete has and I am sure will testify to it's impact on his life as well as Mark Heath (and I think my friend Luke has as well?) So I am tremendously excited that the last Worship School (14th October 2006) has now made their sessions available in MP3 format on the CCK website! It was tucked away in the Archive and I only found it by accident - so I wanted to draw attention to it so that those of us who haven't had the blessing of being able to attend can benefit from the material too.
The sessions are available here and were as follows -
Main Sessions:
God's Presence in the Worshipping Church
Dave Fellingham
Dave Fellingham
Rhythm of the Saints
Phatfish & Stuart Townend
Phatfish & Stuart Townend
Vocal technique and harmonies
Lou Fellingham
Lou Fellingham
Worship leading, preparation and practice
Kate Simmonds
Kate Simmonds
Prophetic Worship
Dave Fellingham & Simon Brading
Dave Fellingham & Simon Brading
When is the King and His Army coming out??! I can't wait!!
Sibs S
Hey Dan this is your friendly Sov Grace pastors wife here. Just wanted you to know that even though I don't leave many messages (still through fear I guess still struggling!) I do follow what you have to write and say and so deeply appreciate it. It's a breath of freedom and I'm very grateful.
These Worship School sessions are amazing Dan! Wow! The insight that these guys have into worship and the heart of God is almost unique. I have especially enjoyed Kate's lecture. She has a humility that isn't found many other places.
Thank you again!
Thanks for this post, Dan. Yes, I did go on this course (the first one they ran, actually!). The teaching was truly awesome - very helpful, very practical, and the glory of God saturated the preaching of His word and the worship times together.
I don't know if they still run it, but anyone with a heart for worship must go and be equipped!
I've just listened to the session when Simon Brading led the session in singing prophetic songs and encouraging them to sing out. Incredible!! This brave and bold move was great and you could hear on the MP3 that the Spirit of God was moving and blessing!! Many many thanks for pointing to these sessions.
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