I do apologise for the lack of posting over this week but I hope that this entry will show that I haven't been idle! I have been absolutely amazed as I have typed up the two transcripts that I am making available for you today at the connection between the outpoured Holy Spirit and the great calling that is upon us as a church. Again and again the promises come, the Holy Spirit is poured out and the emphasis is that we are meant to go in the power of what we have received.
Firstly before I give you the two links to the transcripts I am very excited to draw attention to a new blog that my friend Mark Heath has begun. I have never been part of a team blog before! It's called "Underlined Bits" and Mark has devoted it to gathered quotes from our reading. I think over time it will become a treasure trove for pastors, preachers, teachers and anyone who could use it. Dave B is also on the team so the orthodoxy of quotes is assured although I will do my best to keep the charismatic quotes pouring in ...
The first transcript is; "What On Earth is God Saying About Discipling the Nations?". It is a sermon by Dr Ern Baxter that he preached some time ago. Although it is quite long (it stretched to 25 pages of text!) the quality of the material is outstanding. I have never heard Ern sketch out with such Biblical backing his fervent belief in the coming end-time glorious Church. The quantity of Biblical texts deserve reading and answering and I do believe it is a statement that needs to be read, particularly when men like Sam Storms are sending out emails trying to argue that Jesus was an amillenialist.
The second transcript is hosted on my "Spirit of God!" blog and it is; "Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit" by Terry Virgo. He preached it at a seminar at Stoneleigh Bible Week 1999. I was at the seminar with a number of my friends including Mark from Dunstable and God used Terry mightily to persuade many of us as to the importance of receiving the Spirit in this way. Again the text is quite long but it is my fervent prayer that God will use the format of this material to persuade many of the free gift that is available from God. Jesus said, "If anyone is thirsty, come to Me and drink!". I have no doubt that there are many thirsty souls longing after God and I hope that you will let Terry persuade you of God's passion to meet that thirst.
Enjoy. May these two transcripts be used in some small way to further the kingdom of God.
Honoured to be considered orthodox... charismatic is perfectly orthodox too!
Hmm some may disagree!
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