It will be a couple of months before the website is finally finished as Pete and I have to work with the website designer quite a bit and ensure that everything is to satisfaction. I want a spirit of excellence to rest upon this website that will be a tribute to my hero in and of itself. So do please put Ern Baxter dot com in your favourites and we pledge to let you know as soon as it is launched. The website designers are going to add a page where you can register your interest in the next couple of days so keep an eye open!
The launch of our website really keeps me thinking about "Going into the land". The sense of crisis that is dawning upon God's people and the fact that we - the people of God - were never destined to remain in the wilderness. Ern Baxter was not the only hero of mine to hold this Biblical concept of what the land meant for us today. Terry Virgo has also referred to "The Land" many times. Here are two quotes that shout aloud the fact the future is full of hope and triumph for the glorious Bride of Christ!

Terry Virgo – Together on A Mission 2006.
“God has a global programme to bless all the nations. An inward looking, legalistic church devoid of the Holy Spirit enslaved by law and sin with an eschatology of despair is hardly likely to get the job done. God wants militant Christians determined to bring Christ’s liberty not only to entrenched and lifeless churches, He also wants His light to shine throughout the world. He wants restored churches to recover missionary passion and see world evangelisation as a God-given command.
The Lord of the nations is calling us to come with Him to the end of the earth and to bring the good news of His salvation and deliverance to vast numbers still remaining in darkness and oppression”.
The Lord of the nations is calling us to come with Him to the end of the earth and to bring the good news of His salvation and deliverance to vast numbers still remaining in darkness and oppression”.
Terry Virgo – Newfrontiers Magazine – May-July 2002.
This is absolutely incredible. You are an extremely talented, gifted and determined young man and I am just amazed at the dedication you have shown the relentless pursuit of your vision of keeping this servant of God's memory alive!!
I believe some will be offended and distressed by what you have done here. They will accuse you of hero-worship, maybe even of idolatry. Don't let that distract from the awesome thing you have accomplished here through your own blood, sweat and tears and the investment (huge investment I am sure) of your own money.
God is pleased!
Dr S A J Burgess
Well done!!
We wait with anticipation!
It is wonderful to read these Terry Virgo quotes. They are so true and remind us that entering the land was not just some bright idea that was taught in the 1970s that we need to move on from. Far from it - we need to grasp these things again today. As you say, we are not meant to live in the wilderness.
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