Here are some of the titles that caught my eye. I'll leave it to Luke to let us know what is in store for Mobilise this year!
Training Track 02 Host: David Holden
Title: The Holy Spirit and Your Church
Synopsis: This track will combine doctrine with practical ‘how tos’ as we consider the vital energy-giving place of the Holy Spirit in the local church.
Speaker: Terry Virgo Leading people into the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Terry will briefly explain the doctrine of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and its importance in the believer’s life. Out of his many years of experience he will teach us how to lead people into this experience.
Speaker: David Holden The role of the Holy Spirit in our meetings
Large or small meetings should experience an invasion of the Holy Spirit, whether in our worship or preaching, or our ministry to one another. How do we encourage more gifts of the Spirit and how do we handle those spontaneous moments?
Speaker: Julian Adams “Especially that you may prophesy”
The function of the Holy Spirit especially related to prophecy and words of knowledge. How do we encourage people to grow in these gifts and how do we make room for them in our meetings?
Training Track 04
Host: Guy Miller
Title: Prophesying With Power
Synopsis: Every battle the Christian has to face in life is ultimately over the Word of God and whether or not we build our lives on it. These three dynamic sessions will look at different ‘battle grounds’ surrounding the gift of prophecy. They will be theological and practical with plenty of time for ministry.
Speakers: Guy Miller and Julian Adams
The battle for ‘all’A clear trumpet summons to the whole church to engage with this most edifying gift in its many contexts and appearances.
Speakers: Guy Miller and Julian Adams
The battle for ‘truth’In the same way that prize fighters are weighed before a contest, prophecy itself must be properly weighed in order to deliver God’s knock-out punch.
Speakers: Guy Miller and Sam Poe
The battle for ‘team’Any notion of the go-it-alone ‘Lone Ranger’ prophet who fires from the hip will be challenged as we look at teaming of prophets with other gifts and the key issue of authority.
Training Track 07
Host: Stuart Townend
Title: Worship in the Local Church
Synopsis: Is there a Biblical model for corporate worship? If so, are we following it? Is our worship led by the Spirit or the latest Matt Redman CD? How can worship groups and church leadership work together? What are spiritual gifts supposed to look like in the meeting?
Speakers: Stuart Townend and Peter Brooks
Biblical foundations and practice
Content, leadership skills and facilitating spiritual gifts
Speakers: Stuart Townend, Kate Simmonds and Peter Brooks
Team players - How to get musicians, worship leaders and pastors to sing (metaphorically) from the same hymn sheet.
Speaker: Stuart Townend and Peter Brooks
Broadening our horizons - Worship with sight and sound, all-age worship, worship beyond Sunday, worship and unbelievers, and other contentious issues!
Wednesday 11th July - Seminar 01
Speaker: Charlie Cleverly
Title: Martyrs – The passion that shapes nations
Synopsis: There is a passion that shapes nations. We see it on the tear-stained faces of the forcefully advancing Chinese church. We find it in the army of love living in Islamic strongholds of the 10/40 window. But where in the West is the passion of the church, where is its radical and downwardly mobile witness?
Charlie Cleverly draws inspiration from the lives of suffering witnesses, martyrs, down through the ages. Out of these amazing stories he pulls together the thread of a common call to new, sacrificial levels of love for God and love for the world.
Seminar 08
Speaker: John Groves
Title: Spiritual Authority Today
Synopsis: There is a widespread crisis of authority in contemporary society where the only authority acceptable to many is one consciously self-imposed. Sadly, the church is not immune from this crisis.In this seminar we’ll be looking at the principles of Spiritual Authority and how they should operate in the church. This subject will be relevant to all who exercise any sort of authority in God’s Kingdom.
Seminar 10
Speaker: Rob Rufus
Title: ‘Competent ministers of the Spirit!’ (2 Cor. 3:4-6)
Synopsis: Our Father has called us to minister the Spirit with competence! Someone who is called to be a bricklayer needs to become skilled in his trade. So even more urgently we are to become competent, skilled, even experts at ministering the supernatural power, presence and life of the Spirit. This is our New Covenant inheritance. This seminar is for those seeking to grow in a closer partnership with the Holy Spirit and His ways.
Friday 13th July - Seminar 12
Speaker: John Groves
Title: Leadership in the Age of the Spirit
Synopsis: How does leadership operate under the New Covenant? In this exciting and thought-provoking seminar we will explore the issues of local church leadership and deacons!‘It is my hope that this seminar will lead to ongoing and fruitful discussion which will result in practical moves forward in church life.’
There are prizes for guessing which one I'm booked into ... ;)
The Holy Spirit and Church!! That's my guess!! :) Bet I'm right! It combines your two greatest loves - the Holy Spirit and Terry Virgo!!
Wow .... what a rich combination of subjects and topics and speakers covered. I am just amazed at the fact that this conference is SATURATED in the preparation for the coming of the Spirit. It's like all He needs to do is show up!!
Can't wait.
Full marks Claire!
They all look very exciting! Meanwhile the system seems to be broken for me - haven't been able to book into seminars yet!! Not getting panicky though....
I know - I'm not too happy that you can't print your tickets until two weeks before the event itself or something!! I'll break in through the roof and lower myself down in a bed if I have to!
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