George Warnock was Ern Baxter's secretary for some years and was particularly influential in the move of the Spirit around the Latter Rain outpouring. I have one of his books, "The Feast of Tabernacles" and it makes for extremely stirring reading. Ern spoke very highly of George Warnock in his interviews with Dewey Friedel that I transcribed here. There is some biography on this official website as well as some of his writings. Furthermore I found some actual audio messages of his on a "Revival" site thanks to a link through Julie. They are here. Here's a quote from George Warnock that finds an echo in many of our hearts:
The other brother that I found was Peter Parris. We had more contact with Peter Parris as he came to our church in Dunstable and spoke a number of times - once actually accompanying Ern Baxter. Peter was actually counted as one of Ern's spiritual sons along with my former pastor Dr Stanley Jebb and of course George Kouri. He is now based in Georgia at Life Gate Church. I have got one audio tape of his when he spoke at the Dales Bible Week 1977. My parents remember him fondly as well preaching a sermon called, "It's Friday ... but Sunday is coming!". There are some excellent audio messages on his site.

I am so stirred and excited to find these two great men of God! Go visit and enjoy!
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