Because I am too old to get into the Mobile sessions (*sigh*) I am so grateful to be able to listen to the sessions. I love the passion and the zeal you can feel literally coming out the speakers of my laptop! This was the first Mobilise seminar I listened to but it was quite fitting that there was so much reference by Julian to the Presence of God especially in the light of certain evangelical comments that have been made recently (see comments here). God is ominpresent and we worship Him for that! But the Bible shows clearly time and time again that God can and does come powerfully in specific ways and at specific times. (Hebrews 10:19) makes it clear that the Cross has made the way open. But (Hebrews 10:22) says "Let us draw near!". This suggests that the way may be open but we still may stay out of the Holy of Holies - God's Presence.
But I am not going to get into that - that is for another time and another post and another blog!
Here are the notes from Julian Adam's wonderful session at Mobilise.

Frequency – Going Deeper into the Prophetic!”
Julian Adams at Mobilise 07
I am loving how God has been breaking into our meetings! Jesus has made a way for us into the Father’s throne so let’s give Him first place.
I want us to encounter God!
You are all Christians therefore you have free access into the throne room of heaven and you don’t need Matt Redman or Kate Simmonds or Simon Brading to let you in!
Let’s get in the face of God! Give yourself to His wonder, His glory and His majesty! Be filled with His Presence right now! Let Your glory come over this place! Let Your glory rest in this place right now! God is here – some of you need to encounter Him!
[Time of Words of Knowledge and Prophecy to specific people]
God is eager to pour out His Spirit on us – we have had just days of the glory of God being manifested over the meetings we have been having. People have been experiencing oil dripping off their hands supernaturally in past meetings there.
God doesn’t consult us about our theology when He works – He is sovereign and He reserves the right to mess with our cerebral thinking when He intervenes.
Going to push some boundaries – I called it “Going deeper” on purpose because God wants us to push boundaries in the prophetic. I am tired of “sunflower prophecies”. They are great for novices – such words. However when I see people who are baptised in the Holy Spirit, raised into leadership I expect more from them!
We need to raise the bar to such an extent that when we prophecy people fall down and say “Surely God is in that place!”. Those unbelievers become believers in our meetings because of the prophetic!
God wants to bring us into an ever-increasing encounter of revelation and very often we live in the shallow end of the Kingdom of God because we do not know that there is free access into the throne room of God – the very courts of heaven boldly to find what we need for life!
The prophetic isn’t just for Sundays! It is or should be an every day thing! The prophetic is about receiving personal revelation as well as public revelation! The prophetic is about finding out destiny for your life – what job you are going to take, where you are going to live, how you spend your money, what you do with the person you are going to marry! Too often people look for “5 rules for the prophetic” – but actually the prophetic is about an encounter with God!
“The voice of the Lord is over the waters … the voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of majesty … the voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth … all in His temple cry “glory!”.
We need to understand first and foremost that the prophetic is first and foremost is an experience with a Living Person!
“Jesus is not a theology … a doctrine … Jesus is a Person!” – Jack Deere.
When we come into an encounter with the voice of God – it is an experience. Many of us don’t encounter the voice of God because we don’t understand our sonship.
Too many people in the Church today are living with an orphan spirit. An orphan spirit produces legalistic, law-filled religion because if your performance is not good – you are kicked out of the house. But the Spirit is poured out upon us so that we cry “Abba! Father!”. There is something about encountering the voice of God that is just so wonderful because you understand that you are a son.
Too many of you have felt obliged to perform to your earthly parents and have transferred that in your relationship to your heavenly Father. We need to understand our sonship if we are to come into an experience with God.
You can’t be evangelical truly without being charismatic because you understand the Word of God truly!
Prophecy is experiential. Prophecy is alive – it isn’t mere liturgy – it is active and moving. When we need to live to God’s standards we do it because of His grace through His Word. There is a sense of every day encounter with God that causes us to hear Him daily. We need to stop seeking out prophets for a word of direction! Go be with Jesus! He knows us better than anyone! The living Person of Jesus still speaks to us today!
(Proverbs 25:2) “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter … it is the glory of kings to search out a matter”.
(Psalm 25:14). “The secret counsels of the Lord is for those who fear Him and He makes known to them His covenant”. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10) “The Spirit searches all things – even the depths of God”.
This is a holy invitation to search out the unsearchable depths of God – to seek out the never ending depth and love of God!
(John 14:1-3) This Scripture is read at funerals! But this Scripture is in the context of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! This Scripture is about a radical encounter of the Holy Spirit! (v21)
If your encounter with God is merely cerebral – if your encounter with God does not include an experience then Jesus wants to bring a refreshing encounter to you.
We didn’t sign up for just a nice moral lifestyle! So we don’t just do what the world does!
We should be living a supernatural life in a supernatural kingdom that gives glory to the God of glory! God is looking for a people who will come into an encounter of sonship with Him!
Ways God Speaks to Us
1. Impressions.
God will often primarily bring senses that He is speaking to us. This isn’t going to be the way we normally expect it. Left hand gets hot – sometimes a sign that God wants to heal someone.
Our bodies are created to experience God. Every part of our being is engaged with God! “Taste and see that the Lord is good”.
May get a sympathetic pain where that person is experiencing the pain. We are spirit men – created spirit, soul and body – and it is aware of the unseen realm. This world is tangible but temporary and it is going to burn! Everything we see is created out of that which is unseen. It is transient and it is passing away. We are representatives of this unseen world. Sexual abuse often presents itself as a nauseous smell. As we begin to learn and encounter God in these ways patterns will begin to emerge that you can learn. May smell a sweet, beautiful smell – a sign of God’s Presence.
2. Voices of God.
May be audible!
Revelation from God shapes the way you live!
The still small voice of God! Elijah’s experience of God – “Son what are you doing here?”.
3. Thoughts During Worship.
Just a thought that pops into head while loving Jesus! This may be a sense that we should go and visit someone or speak to someone or write to someone.
4. Trances, Visions, Dreams, Angelic Visitations.
Angelic visitations are sovereignly initiated by God. You can’t fake them! It often precludes a specific big revelation from God to step out in faith.
How do we come into some of these encounters? There are some unhelpful examples in the world today. The wrong reaction is to ban all prophetic because of that error and say we won’t have any prophecy and “be safe”. The prophetic isn’t safe! God isn’t safe! The other extreme is to have angelic visitations at breakfast, Third Heaven encounters every day! Paul says to the church at Colossians – “Set your minds on things above even where Christ is seated”.
The antidote to incorrect thinking about the prophetic is the Person of Jesus. When you set your mind on Him you will begin to encounter the prophetic in a very real way.
“Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.
A. Revelation comes by Sovereign Initiation.
It is about encountering a heart – all revelation must lead to Jesus. He is all prophecy fulfilled! All decision making must lead to Jesus! Wrong; “Jesus has given me permission to go out with an unsaved girl”.
B. Revelation must always be connected to the Grace of God.
The minute there is legalism – you know it is not from God. The prophetic can seek out the spirit of religion like an exocet missile. The nature of grace means you know you are a son! You can have a whole book of prophecy written in pictures – but without faith it will mean nothing.
C. Cultivate our hearts to receive from God.
Love Jesus! Love the Holy Spirit! Love the Father! Spend time with Him!
Too many want the kiss in the garden without the cost of covenant.
You cant have the kiss without the cost. You need to spend time with Him. If you want what many prophetic people have got you must pay the price – it isn’t legalism! It is encounter. The key to self-indulgence is to step out in faith. Go pray for someone. Give away what you’ve got. “Freely you have received – freely give”. Study and mediate on biblical encounters with God.
D. Be a people of faith.
You have got to have faith – not passive faith. God is restoring a great theology to the church is His sovereignty. It is wonderful to know that we are not in control but He is. What a release of pressure!
Your expectation of God is the invitation that you need to encounter Him. Become a people that expect God to move.
But I am not going to get into that - that is for another time and another post and another blog!
Here are the notes from Julian Adam's wonderful session at Mobilise.

Frequency – Going Deeper into the Prophetic!”
Julian Adams at Mobilise 07
I am loving how God has been breaking into our meetings! Jesus has made a way for us into the Father’s throne so let’s give Him first place.
I want us to encounter God!
You are all Christians therefore you have free access into the throne room of heaven and you don’t need Matt Redman or Kate Simmonds or Simon Brading to let you in!
Let’s get in the face of God! Give yourself to His wonder, His glory and His majesty! Be filled with His Presence right now! Let Your glory come over this place! Let Your glory rest in this place right now! God is here – some of you need to encounter Him!
[Time of Words of Knowledge and Prophecy to specific people]
God is eager to pour out His Spirit on us – we have had just days of the glory of God being manifested over the meetings we have been having. People have been experiencing oil dripping off their hands supernaturally in past meetings there.
God doesn’t consult us about our theology when He works – He is sovereign and He reserves the right to mess with our cerebral thinking when He intervenes.
Going to push some boundaries – I called it “Going deeper” on purpose because God wants us to push boundaries in the prophetic. I am tired of “sunflower prophecies”. They are great for novices – such words. However when I see people who are baptised in the Holy Spirit, raised into leadership I expect more from them!
We need to raise the bar to such an extent that when we prophecy people fall down and say “Surely God is in that place!”. Those unbelievers become believers in our meetings because of the prophetic!
God wants to bring us into an ever-increasing encounter of revelation and very often we live in the shallow end of the Kingdom of God because we do not know that there is free access into the throne room of God – the very courts of heaven boldly to find what we need for life!
The prophetic isn’t just for Sundays! It is or should be an every day thing! The prophetic is about receiving personal revelation as well as public revelation! The prophetic is about finding out destiny for your life – what job you are going to take, where you are going to live, how you spend your money, what you do with the person you are going to marry! Too often people look for “5 rules for the prophetic” – but actually the prophetic is about an encounter with God!
“The voice of the Lord is over the waters … the voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is full of majesty … the voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth … all in His temple cry “glory!”.
We need to understand first and foremost that the prophetic is first and foremost is an experience with a Living Person!
“Jesus is not a theology … a doctrine … Jesus is a Person!” – Jack Deere.
When we come into an encounter with the voice of God – it is an experience. Many of us don’t encounter the voice of God because we don’t understand our sonship.
Too many people in the Church today are living with an orphan spirit. An orphan spirit produces legalistic, law-filled religion because if your performance is not good – you are kicked out of the house. But the Spirit is poured out upon us so that we cry “Abba! Father!”. There is something about encountering the voice of God that is just so wonderful because you understand that you are a son.
Too many of you have felt obliged to perform to your earthly parents and have transferred that in your relationship to your heavenly Father. We need to understand our sonship if we are to come into an experience with God.
You can’t be evangelical truly without being charismatic because you understand the Word of God truly!
Prophecy is experiential. Prophecy is alive – it isn’t mere liturgy – it is active and moving. When we need to live to God’s standards we do it because of His grace through His Word. There is a sense of every day encounter with God that causes us to hear Him daily. We need to stop seeking out prophets for a word of direction! Go be with Jesus! He knows us better than anyone! The living Person of Jesus still speaks to us today!
(Proverbs 25:2) “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter … it is the glory of kings to search out a matter”.
(Psalm 25:14). “The secret counsels of the Lord is for those who fear Him and He makes known to them His covenant”. (1 Corinthians 2:9-10) “The Spirit searches all things – even the depths of God”.
This is a holy invitation to search out the unsearchable depths of God – to seek out the never ending depth and love of God!
(John 14:1-3) This Scripture is read at funerals! But this Scripture is in the context of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! This Scripture is about a radical encounter of the Holy Spirit! (v21)
If your encounter with God is merely cerebral – if your encounter with God does not include an experience then Jesus wants to bring a refreshing encounter to you.
We didn’t sign up for just a nice moral lifestyle! So we don’t just do what the world does!
We should be living a supernatural life in a supernatural kingdom that gives glory to the God of glory! God is looking for a people who will come into an encounter of sonship with Him!
Ways God Speaks to Us
1. Impressions.
God will often primarily bring senses that He is speaking to us. This isn’t going to be the way we normally expect it. Left hand gets hot – sometimes a sign that God wants to heal someone.
Our bodies are created to experience God. Every part of our being is engaged with God! “Taste and see that the Lord is good”.
May get a sympathetic pain where that person is experiencing the pain. We are spirit men – created spirit, soul and body – and it is aware of the unseen realm. This world is tangible but temporary and it is going to burn! Everything we see is created out of that which is unseen. It is transient and it is passing away. We are representatives of this unseen world. Sexual abuse often presents itself as a nauseous smell. As we begin to learn and encounter God in these ways patterns will begin to emerge that you can learn. May smell a sweet, beautiful smell – a sign of God’s Presence.
2. Voices of God.
May be audible!
Revelation from God shapes the way you live!
The still small voice of God! Elijah’s experience of God – “Son what are you doing here?”.
3. Thoughts During Worship.
Just a thought that pops into head while loving Jesus! This may be a sense that we should go and visit someone or speak to someone or write to someone.
4. Trances, Visions, Dreams, Angelic Visitations.
Angelic visitations are sovereignly initiated by God. You can’t fake them! It often precludes a specific big revelation from God to step out in faith.
How do we come into some of these encounters? There are some unhelpful examples in the world today. The wrong reaction is to ban all prophetic because of that error and say we won’t have any prophecy and “be safe”. The prophetic isn’t safe! God isn’t safe! The other extreme is to have angelic visitations at breakfast, Third Heaven encounters every day! Paul says to the church at Colossians – “Set your minds on things above even where Christ is seated”.
The antidote to incorrect thinking about the prophetic is the Person of Jesus. When you set your mind on Him you will begin to encounter the prophetic in a very real way.
“Let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.
A. Revelation comes by Sovereign Initiation.
It is about encountering a heart – all revelation must lead to Jesus. He is all prophecy fulfilled! All decision making must lead to Jesus! Wrong; “Jesus has given me permission to go out with an unsaved girl”.
B. Revelation must always be connected to the Grace of God.
The minute there is legalism – you know it is not from God. The prophetic can seek out the spirit of religion like an exocet missile. The nature of grace means you know you are a son! You can have a whole book of prophecy written in pictures – but without faith it will mean nothing.
C. Cultivate our hearts to receive from God.
Love Jesus! Love the Holy Spirit! Love the Father! Spend time with Him!
Too many want the kiss in the garden without the cost of covenant.
You cant have the kiss without the cost. You need to spend time with Him. If you want what many prophetic people have got you must pay the price – it isn’t legalism! It is encounter. The key to self-indulgence is to step out in faith. Go pray for someone. Give away what you’ve got. “Freely you have received – freely give”. Study and mediate on biblical encounters with God.
D. Be a people of faith.
You have got to have faith – not passive faith. God is restoring a great theology to the church is His sovereignty. It is wonderful to know that we are not in control but He is. What a release of pressure!
Your expectation of God is the invitation that you need to encounter Him. Become a people that expect God to move.
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