"God do you want me to shut the blog down?".
I am really thrilled that the idea of doing that didn't bother me. I never want blogging to become my identity. It's just something I do.
Change is what's on my mind. That's the reason why I love being part of Newfrontiers. Nothing remains static. The blog post that brought this reflection to my mind was when I just visited the New Community Church's blog which the lead elder Matt Hosier runs. I was shocked to read that he and his wife are moving on from Sidcup and that Dave Holden will be re-taking the lead eldership. Matt wrote about a timely prophetic sermon from P J Symthe setting the tone for the new season that is facing that awesome body of people in London.
This quote really got me;
"Let dead things die: Too often we hold on to things we need to let go. Sometimes these are negative things that would harm us; but we can also hold on to good things long after God has asked us to move on from them. Are there dead things in your life you need to walk away from?".
I met up with a dear friend of mine from university and we reflected on the past and I was staggered at how much I have forgotten. That's a good thing I think. Sentimental nostalgia doesn't do much good. I hope that in this fresh start up in Birmingham I am standing ready and willing and able to let go of even good things that He was been gracious enough to give me. Maybe some things He wants me to lay down, He just wants to know - would I be willing if He asked? That's not just blogging ... that's anything that could potentially become stagnant.
Newfrontiers. What a challenge that name is! Because "New" means it has to constantly be "New". Surely that means that there must be a deep searching, a deep longing in our spirits - a constant looking to the horizon asking God are we where He wants us to be? Or is it time to move on?
Congratulations. We love you. We appreciate you. We value you. We feed on the awesome array of quotes, old dusty tapes, records you find us - but above all we love your passion. Keep the fire burning.
Much love, your SGM wife friend.
Amen. I have a a word of knowledge I think. The Lord would say "Keep blogging. Keep publishign". ;) lol!
Keep at it, but I do love the fresh winds of change that NEwfrontiers bring. The fact you are asking should I stop is good and healthy. Fab stuff. What's happened to your TOAM Session write-ups?
Congratulations! I wish I had a special blogging award for just such an occasion but I'm not sure an award from me would be taken too seriously. I think that to keep on blogging would be the 'new' thing to do, since many many before you have quit blogging for highly spiritual reasons...
I think this is truly wonderful. It is proof of God's amazing faithfulness that He has kept you and fed you with things to share. I was there back in 2003 when God gave us the word "publish". His gifts and call are without repentance. And while you are publishing other things, I have the sense that the coals of fire need to still be shot out from this blog.
It is healthy to evaluate and ask "should I carry on?" Especially as you are willing to lay it down if that is the Lord's purpose. Your esteem and security is not in this blog, but in the Lord. I have a sense that it is right to continue, but that the Lord would bring fresh anointing upon the word's written here. A new day for you means new things being poured out of your heart onto the page, and the glorious message of the reign of Christ over the whole earth shall spread far and wide.
So, please keep publishing, blessing and feeding us!
I second all of the above. I feel a sense of fatherly (or grandfatherly considering my age!) pride at watching some of your earlier zealous posts which were justified considering the circumstances mature into prophetic, insightful posts watching the times and looking at where the Spirit is going. I'm not saying that the anger or hurt at what has happened may have gone away but you have sacrificed them on the altar of God's greater purposes and His greater good and His greater mission.
To shut down or not to shut down? As dear Julie has said, many before you have indeed shut down for highly spiritual reasons but I suspect that you will know when the time is right - for God will be bringing in another form of ministry that will be demanding your time and you cannot give 100% of your time to both. Don't follow the crowd! Consider your great namesake who stood apart and was willing to be different!
Enough of my blitherings. Congrats on such a landmark. Here's to the 1000th post should God so desire it. And may He speed it your publishing by giving you subjects to speak of and talk of again and again and again for as that wonderful map you had down the bottom of your blog showed - the nations are watching and reading!!
S A J Burgesw
Congratulations! Please keep on writing and hearing from God as to what he wants saying.
Congratulations! Keep at it1
Let us hope one day you will be able to write something positive about Sovereign Grace.
Let us hope that one day you will be hit by a nucleur blast of glory that turns you from an angry man into a lover and you truly understand what grace is all about. bless u. Fire! ;)
James b in now mini Rob Rufus, hmmm....I felt that annointing! lol
Awesome! Well he said the anointing was transferable and tangible so I just took a step of faith and hoped that it would slay that bloke! Heh hehe - may it spread like wildfire cuz we need it!
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