Just by chance I happened to visit Rob Rufus's home church website and saw that he spoke last Sunday. I wondered whether he would bring any report on the conference in Brighton - so I listened to the whole sermon. He did indeed make some lengthy comments on the time in Brighton and it was incredibly stirring and beneficial to hear his opinion and his view on what happened at "Together on a Mission". Here's what he said;

"What characterised this trip was the number of notable miracles instantly testified and fully formed ... Human beings are desperate for the real thing ... I have never operated before at that power - that is the truth. 80% of the people had an immediate release of power at CCK in the evening on 8th July.
Glenda had a prophetic word that Terry Virgo completely confirmed something they had been praying into ... People are tired of teaching that isn't backed up with substance - but people were seeing things! ...
110 people were healed in a ten second prayer on the last session ... one of the leading prophets got up and said at the last session that "God says you have changed address - the whole movement has gone to another realm in the supernatural".
Terry Virgo said to me after the session; "Rob - this visit has changed our whole movement". And that came from Hong Kong! This little church is being used to change things across the world!".
Very very interesting...must listen to that one...
Awesome!! I think and hope this puts to death our fears that Terry will get courted by the cessationists eh!?! ;) What a conference - and what a God. So awesome that from such a little church should come such a man with big faith in a HUGE God!
May the tidal wave keep growing and grwoing!!
What concerns were those about Terry? I don't think he's ever shown any sign of downgrading the Spirit has he?
Well just things like him being invited to go and preach at Word Alive which i dont think is v charismatic and stuff like that. I just wondered if he would do a C J Mahaney and get swept into the whole reformed thing and downplay the whole charismatic life.
I don't think anyone who has truly had an experience of the Spirit of God can backtrack and become a functional cessationist.
I beg to differ - I know of at least one man who had a glorious baptism of the Holy Spirit and knew the Word of God inside out yet became a functional cessationist. Surely that's why the Scriptures urge us to KEEP ON being filled with the Spirit. Because our tendancy (as one guest speaker at Stoneleigh once said) is to FORGET!
A fair point - I conceed! I must admit I hadn't seen it in that way before. The danger of "looking back" to "The Baptism" is that we must start to wonder did it really happen? This is vital therefore that we keep on receiving more and more glorious encounters with the Spirit!
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