Updates on "Life on Wings".
I have updated the "Archive" page - deleting some posts and adding others.
Other posts: It's now becoming something of a tradition for me to summarise the latest Newfrontiers magazine so I have indexed the Oct-Dec, Jan-March, April-June magazines.
Links: I've added Christchurch, London - as I wrote before it's a dangerous place to be and there's a lot happening in our capital!
The "Underlined Bits" Archive (fathered by Mark Heath) is growing considerably and is becoming a resource suitable for many pastors I would guess. I'm doing my best to keep up with those sound, orthodox guys!
Dr Sam Storms has been re-added. I've forgiven him now he has cleaned up his site a bit and has began a blog. He's going to be back at the Life in the Spirit Conference next year as well.
Peter Cockrell has begun a new blog - his last one managed two posts and stopped last year. I've mentioned him every now and then on this blog. Peter was assistant pastor to Dr Stanley Jebb at my old home church - New Covenant Church in Dunstable. He then moved to Lansdowne, West Norwood in London where he trained up my best friend Pete Day. He is now pastor of a church in Worthing. He's a big fan of SGM and John Piper.
I know this is cheating a bit but I've posted on the "Spirit of God!" blog. I was walking home a few days ago and I had quite a vivid picture about dandelions.

George Kouri, my new awesome friend from the USA has posted an outstanding transcript of his message entitled; "God's Agenda for the 21st Century". It is an absolutely key apostolic message that should be heard far and wide. He shows ably why Ern Baxter said of him, "George Kouri's teaching on the kingdom is the best I have ever seen". He ministered this word in Alberta in Canada. Here's a few quotes that caught my eye;
"God is pouring out His Spirit today! He is reviving, restoring and reforming His Church! Contrary to what many believe today the Church is not on the brink of destruction, nor on the threshold of the Second Coming of the Lord! Instead we are on the threshold of a new millennium of unprecedented opportunity and challenge!".
"There can be no true apostolic reformation of the Church in the 21st century without a restoration of the foundational revelation entrusted to those original apostles in the first century!"
"The greatest problem facing the 21st century is not the problem of evil! The greatest problem then is the problem of a divided church; our division keeps Christ’s Church from effectively combating and counter-acting evil and influencing and discipling the nations!"
"Emerging apostles must first: recognize, honor and submit to one another in the Lord; second, we must learn to seek the Lord together, so that together we might truly understand and recover the foundational revelation of Christ and His Kingdom entrusted to the original Apostles; and third, we must also work together as brothers to restore the fellowship or communion of the apostles, a fully functioning apostolate and global eldership, so that together, we might not only extend Christ’s Kingdom throughout the earth, but also reform His Church as One! "
Go read the whole thing - it won't take you long and it is well worth it!
Pete Day is building up a helpful compilation of reports from the sessions at the recent Life in the Spirit conference. Sam Storm's sessions: one, two and three. Dave Smith on Dreams - Part 1 and Part 2.
And my great friend Luke has presented a fascinating history of Winchester Family Church. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3. I loved reading it! I find myself marvelling at the awesome grace of God, how He takes each of His churches in different ways but leads them as they are willing deeper into Him. It is the Church! The Hope of the World!
"third, we must also work together as brothers to restore the fellowship or communion of the apostles, a fully functioning apostolate and global eldership, so that together, we might not only extend Christ’s Kingdom throughout the earth, but also reform His Church as One!"
This is so similar to the wonderful Greg Haslam prophecy that you transcribed on the Spirit of God blog isn't it? The call for real Spirit-filled unity!!
"God is pouring out His Spirit today! He is reviving, restoring and reforming His Church! Contrary to what many believe today the Church is not on the brink of destruction, nor on the threshold of the Second Coming of the Lord! Instead we are on the threshold of a new millennium of unprecedented opportunity and challenge!".
These are awesome quotes! These three words - reformation, restoration and revival - have been on my heart, too! This is the need of the hour and it is what God is doing.
And as James says above, these comments fit with the Greg Haslam prophecy.
It also fits with the things you were posting only recently about pre-millenialism. While we do look for the blessed appearing of the Lord - our hope is for the return of Christ in that sense - but the hope of the world is for a mighty Church who will bring light to every nation.
The Lord is saying the same thing to His people all around the globe!
Yes and surely this hope (a sure and certain hope) will drive everything that we do!! I was considering this only today - will we allow this hope to guide what we read, what books we buy for our libraries, what audio sermons we listen to, what we write? It's a challenge - is our time accounted for? What have I spent my time doing that is not fueling this hope and motivating me to action?
Not to condemn! To challenge!
Hi, You mention getting the MP3 of this via email but I can't find your email addy anywhere? Mine is mrjermeme@gmail.com
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