New Wine Magazine was a charismatic magazine - in that they believed in the Presence and power of the Holy Spirit for today in church and to be welcomed as manifest - but they did not focus on the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit to the exclusivity of other aspects of church life. Even more theologian S David Moore - the only man to so far objectively chart the Shepherding Movement's history - wrote;
"...essential for an accurate history of the Shepherding movement is a complete collection of New Wine. The magazine published from 1969 through to 1986 was the principal publishing voice of the five teachers and the movement."
It is my hope to build up a catalogue of the huge amount of magazines so that the articles and authors can be accessed more easily and quickly. For now here is a number of magazine articles which Ern Baxter wrote and the topics they deal with as well as the links.
"Discipling the Nations - God will use His prophetic community to speak to the nations" - by Dr Ern Baxter (p4).
"Kingdom Culture - Rediscovering Our Mandate" by Dr Ern Baxter (p14).
"King of Glory - The Cross was only the beginning of Jesus conquest" by Dr Ern Baxter (p28).
"The Holy Spirit" by Dr Ern Baxter (p10).
"50 Year of Ministry - A tribute to Dr Ern Baxter" (p15).
"Before the Throne - An interview with Dr Ern Baxter on Worship" (p20).
So most importantly get to the New Wine Magazine Archive and start reading! Or if your time is limited, then keep your eyes open for the New Wine Magazine catalogue that I will be publishing as soon as possible.
Alot of the 'New Wine' movements have been denounced by FACTNET, discernment ministries like MidWest Christian Outreach and others even Assembly of God. Why resurrect them?
There is a tremendous amount of hypersprituality that still exists today in the form of some of the house church meetings and emergent groups. Shepherding was a very destructive time in church history.It needs to be shot in the head permanently.
You might benefit more from focusing and teaching people how to test the spirits.
Well Anonymous, to be honest if we threw out every movement or ministry that had excess or error or in other words threw out the baby with the bathwater - then there would be very little left in the Christian world today.
There is a tremendous amount of hyperspirituality and heavy shepherding in all areas of church - not just the house church - and among churches who profess to know much about grace.
You have every right to express your opinion but you really need to stop hiding behind your barrier of anonymity - isn't that hyperspirituality in itself?
Again if every thing of God that made mistakes was "shot in the head" permamently then how bereft the church would be of much good.
I have no intention of focusing more on teaching people to test the spirits. We as a Church are far from being in danger of Corinthian excess.
"This is no age to advocate restraint - the Church needs to be awakened" - Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
Maybe what needs to be shot in the head permamently are so-called "discernment ministries" and "heresy hunters" who spend their time, money and effort seeing error in everything.
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