I was profoundly moved to read this plea by Dave Holden on his fantastic blog;
"As more and more "Charismatic" churches seem to have less and less gifts operating in their public meetings and performance rather than participation seems to be the way thing are going, I want to make an impassioned plea that we continue to stay biblical and truly "charismatic " by having more participation and less performance.
Gifts are wonderful. They are not optional and they are vital for enhancing our worship of Jesus, encouraging the members of the church and for impacting the unbeliever with the reality of a living God ... It's time for more Holy Spirit activity, not less. So let's expect more gifts to be in operation..
That statement really fit in with what I read in Dr Lloyd-Jones yesterday in his "Revival" sermons. Quench not the Spirit - should be our cry! Not "decently and in order"! We do not need calls for control and for restraint. We need to be awakened with the Spirit of revival! Dave Holden said elsewhere on his blog this;
"Revival: Why not NOW and why not HERE?".
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