"And in November I have asked Larry to come and be our special guest at the Pastors’ Conference where we will once again stand side by side. [applause] Actually we won’t stand side by side. I think it would be more appropriate for me to stand aside. And he has been a wonderful example to me of forgiveness. I want to emulate that".
I know some of SGM's critics on "SGM Survivors" were affronted at what they saw as C J's presumptive attitude that he would be back from his "season of reflection" by November but I honestly was encouraged! I do believe heaven rejoices and the gospel is advanced when Christians can admit they are human and forgive.
But sadly according to an exchange of emails between Brent Detweiler and Larry Tomczak at the end of September - he has been "uninvited" by Dave Harvey;
"From: Larry Tomczak
Sent: Saturday, September 17, 2011 9:20 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: November Conference
Hello Brent!
Thanks for writing. I hope you and Jenny are doing well, my friend.
Yes, the invited has been put on hold because Dave wrote me saying that with all the things going on right now they felt it would be best to wait til more is resolved in the matters at hand".
Two things are saddening me and disappointing me about this whole process now.
1. The massive amounts of money involved in "mediation". Why can't they just talk?
2. Now Larry being "disinvited" for - let's face it - rather vague reasons. If C J and Larry are reconciled then why would it hurt keeping the invitation? At least it would be something to encourage SGM during a difficult period.
Still hopeful and praying. And I mean that - I've visited my former church - Grace Church Bristol - twice now and been encouraged so much each time. May God work miracles and convict where conviction is required.
This is a sad story how Tomczak was uninvited. After reading articles in the Washington Post and Christianity Today (as Brent Detwiler shares) where Tomzcak was open about the problems in SGM it was not surprising Tomczak was uninivited.
It has been sad to see SGM's cavalier attitude toward Mahaney's sin including what he did to Tomczak. Sadly Mahaney is back preaching again.
Steve - I did speak to Dave Harvey last week and he did confirm that Larry would be attending and participating. You probably are already aware as it was last week. Irv
So he's going? What does this mean? Has Dave Harvey regretted his decision and changed his mind? Or is Larry just going in less of a "special guest" manner? Would appreciate more detail on this Irv!
On Dave Harvey - he does seem to be a bit of a lightweight doesn't he - constantly floating between opinions and keeping the next VIP happy. I've never found his preaching very interesting at all - quite boring in fact.
I haven't spoken to Larry in a few weeks so I don't have his take. I think it first had to do with the change of venue of a traditional pastor's conference to a group reconciliation with AoR.
When I received an invitation from Dave, I felt that Larry and Brent should be there if at all possible. My point with Dave was if this was about reconciliation would Larry and Brent be there as they were part of the regime for many years and also co-creators of the regime.
Dave said he had invited them both and Larry acknowledged that he would attend. Brent at this point will not attend as far as I know.
There isn't much else that I can say based on what I know or don't know!! I will be in DC to tell my story with the hopes it will help those who have not made peace with SGM or the Lord and for those who may still be afraid to tell their story.
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