I am thrilled to report that, thanks to the kindness of my friend Mark, the transcripts of the "Priestly Clothing" are now available to read online here.
This is the result of a couple of years work, so I am so pleased that others can now benefit from the pure richness of the material that I have been benefiting from! The series has a prophetic mantle over it that I have included in the first few pages. It was a vision that Ern was given in 1964 called, "The People of the Anointing". Do make every effort to read it! It will be WELL worth your time!
I am so grateful to Mark for agreeing and being willing to post it on his website. Mark is the IT-genius that I can never hope to be. But I value his friendship because he shares my love and appreciation for Ern Baxter. While the times we spend together are limited, I value greatly reading his blog, his insights and his thoughts. I hope this post also helps to make it clear that this website was never intended to be my personal thoughts and reflections on my life and my church (in response to some angry anonymous individual). The website is dedicated to Ern Baxter and in tribute to him. If I do write personally or share something, it is intended to be unusual.
So - get off this website! And go read Ern Baxter - and above all enjoy it and bask in it! And thanks Mark again - so much!
Dan, Many thanks for again making available additional materials from Ern Baxter. I don't know how man hours it must take, but I know I along with many of your readers will be very grateful for all that you have invested to transcribe this messages. I have converted the doc to a 1.3MB PDF which I can send you if it would be helpful. I know some of my friends and contacts don't have MS Office so I've already converted it in anticipation. Thanks again!
Dan, Many thanks for again making available additional materials from Ern Baxter. I don't know how man hours it must take, but I know I along with many of your readers will be very grateful for all that you have invested to transcribe this messages. I have converted the doc to a 1.3MB PDF which I can send you if it would be helpful. I know some of my friends and contacts don't have MS Office so I've already converted it in anticipation. Thanks again!
You're so welcome! I am thrilled that this material is "out there" for all to benefit. In terms of the converting you speak of - please do. I didn't realise some couldn't get hold of the transcripts so I do give you free reign to do whatever you must to make it available!
I have printed these sermons out at work (!!!) and am already half way through them. I am just absolutely amazed by the sheer depth and insight of material that is there. Just imagine how long it took Ern to prepare this and pray over it!!
I really believe this material is going to have world wide impact. You have freed it from dusty audiotapes and put it out there available for all to read and benefit from.
Excellent. Just excellent. A giant of the faith has awoken and been unleashed. So so awesome!
The angry anonymous individual reminds me of the lyrics to a Jack Johnson song:
"but everybody thinks that everybody knows
about everybody else but nobody knows
anything about themselves,
because they're all worried about everybody else..."
I have to confess to giggling at Mr/s. Anonymous. What antithesis to grace! As though whomping you over the head about your church attendance would get your *heart* back in church, IF you were out of fellowship (which, I trust, you are not - but if you are/were, don't you just want to RUN into the arms of Mr/s. Anonymous?? Don't you want to see HIM/HER at church? Isn't he/she just *winsome*? *smirk*).
My pastor husband calls these folks the "attendance police". I wonder if badges would make them happy? (WHY, oh WHY do I hear in my head the lines to the old movie: "Badges?? We don't need no stinking BADGES!!"
Sorry if this comment stirs your personal policeman/woman again. A million pardons I'll beg from you, if that happens. (sigh)
I'm rabidly pro-church. I've given my life to her. The local church is God's "plan A" in the earth. Anyone who goes about the business of strengthening her (and strengthening those who serve her) as you have, Dan, deserves at least a pat on the back.
I eagerly await the time to peruse Ern Baxter's messages. They have been a great help to me in recent days. Blessings!
Thank you for making this material available, may you reap a rich harvest from your labours.
Thank you Andrew! Hope you enjoy and benefit richly from Ern's teaching.
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