You will notice that finally I have masterminded how to get a links column at the side of the webpage - where my nearest and dearest are now listed. I've put the Archive page at the top and have kept that updated as I have added articles and other bits and pieces by Ern Baxter. I hope that proves useful. Thanks for hanging in there with an IT-nerd like me! Please don't be offended if you're not on there. I thought I wouldn't chance it with too long a list of links to begin with!
Videos to DVD's ... Ern on TV!:
The other exciting thing to report, is that I have just brought some software for my laptop to start transferring videos onto DVD's. Once I have got the hang of it, and editing, I will be making all my video footage of Ern Baxter available for whoever is interested. Ern is someone who has to be seen often to enjoy the full power of his preaching rather than just heard, so I do strongly recommend these. I will put a list of what I have also then.

It's been a relatively quiet week with not much to stimulate my interest, or raise my blood pressure. I guess the latter is a good thing! Chris H-H posted a marvellous piece on "The Bells and the Pomegranates". I mentioned to him that this is something Ern Baxter deals with in the forth-coming newly transcribed series, "The Priestly Clothing". I questioned recently how sports really plays a part in true restorationism - it seems that avid-sports fan C J Mahaney is so convinced that it does play a significant part in Christian life, that he appeared on Al Mohler's radio show to talk about it ... download here. I can't even bring myself to comment. Ms Whitacre asks whether one's soul is happy. If not ... the answer is to go with her to the cross "and gaze a while" ...
There are an AMAZING selection of sermons from Church of Christ the King, Brighton back online - including some material from their Leadership Weekend away. Terry has preached four times since the beginning of the year! I must highly recommend as well the Kensington Temple website - they have an incredibly impressive media centre with videoed sermons of Dr R T Kendall and Tommy Tenney - both worthy of a listen and a watch!
Smooth Stone of the Weekend:
"There are three possibilities with the Great Commission. You can go. Or you can send. Or you can be disobedient. Ignoring the cause is not a Christian option" - Dr John Piper - "Brothers, We are Not Professionals".
I just figured out how to put links too! I won't even tell you what a long and frustrating endeavor it was, it's embarassing. Congratulations on your success.
Yay ... I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling here!! I need some sort of Research Assistant who is a wizz at IT! I can produce the material for this site with no problem, but EVERYTHING is such a struggle!
Maybe it's my form of sanctification bringing forth Spirit fruits of peace and patience!
By the way - thanks for visiting Forty-Two. I've reading through some of the material on your website and will indeed get back to you!
Great to see your links at last!! Thanks for those - very helpful!
"Gaze a while at the Cross"?? Can't we rather gaze with Stephen into heaven and see the ascended and glorified Jesus Christ standing at the right hand of the Father?
I think that would make me happy too - to realise that the great work is done and He is interceding for me before the Father!
I hoped someone would spy that ... ;)
I tell you - I can't WAIT for you to get Ern Baxter going on DVD. Amazing that just under a year ago and I hadn't even HEARD of Ern Baxter. Then I stumble on this website. Just some blogger I think. And I get hooked on this AWESOME hero of yours.
What a man and what a ministry! But above all WHAT a God he worshipped!
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