"Life on Wings Interviews Introduction" - Part 1 - with some biographical comments from Ern's administrator Ritch Carlton.
"Life on Wings Interviews Introduction" - Part 2 - with Ern singing a song about eagles.
"Ern Baxter - Baptism of the Holy Spirit" - Ern shared his testimony as to how he was baptised in the Holy Spirit at a conference in Canada.

And also the video clip I took of Rob Rufus speaking at Mobilise last July - he was exhorting them (and us) to not become dependent on conferences for encountering God - but to take time ourselves to go to mountains, turn off phones and meet Him on our own.
*Updated* - I have also added "Worship from Anglia Bible Week 1983" and Ern Baxter ministering on the "Rent Veil".
It is my hope to record and make some more video clips as I come across them so keep your eyes peeled! Video-clips are a useful and dramatic way of presenting teaching and truth that sometimes doesn't come across as powerfully as in the typed word format and I have got some key classic moments primarily from Ern Baxter's teaching in mind.
Wow that's brave to post the Anglia Bible Week worship on You-tube, I guess some people won't be too happy if they come across that! But I am glad it hopefully will receive a wider audience. They were anointed "high points with the Spirit" and we need to remember them so that we can remember the Spirit's address and remember what it is like when He comes down in awesome power upon our congregations.
Just one question out of interest - what is the issue of copyright with the Anglia videos these days? I know that they are over 2 decades old but just wondered?
Hi again New Covenant Church-er - no I do agree with you that these times of high fellowship and intimacy with the Lord shouldn't be forgotten. Although I can't remember much of Anglia Bible Week (apart from the children's work) I do remember Stoneleigh Bible Week and the awesome feeling of worshipping with so many thousands of people all joined in lifting the Name of God high and feeling the Spirit come down in response to the faith of those seeking Him. Just heavenly!
But ...
We must be also open to the new movings and promptings of the Spirit and what He wants to do and where He wants to go. I would venture to say that I think the times of worship at Brighton have actually been more powerful than what I remember of Stoneleigh. The intensity is just ... wow! Last July I had to sit down a couple of times it was so powerful!
So let's beware we don't "build here three Tabernacles".
In answer to your question about copyright, we have researched this and consulted people. The word is that whoever holds the master copies holds the copyright. I hold the master copies at the moment (although they are currently in safe keeping in London).
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