Friday, October 03, 2008

Joseph Prince on the Danger of Condemnation

I saw this video clip on Lydia's blog and watched it out of pure interest. I've heard Joseph Prince mentioned a couple of times and am increasingly growing grateful for his ministry. This video clip sounds so alike Rob Rufus and his sermon; ! The title? "When you are under condemnation - Gods favour cannot flow". Here it is;

I insist again that we visit and re-visit this issue of condemnation and whether we as Christians should really be tolerating an introspective man-created guilt for sins that are already paid for on the Cross of Jesus Christ 2, 000 years ago! It's like having a bank debt that's been paid off - and yet you insist on going in weekly with your cheque payment. The bank would laugh at you. So why do we insist on trying to re-pay our debts of sin that have already been cleared with guilt that wouldn't do anything to cancel the debt anyway? We may as well resurrect the sacrificing of bulls and goats!

When is the Church going to wake up and realise that we're FREE!?


jul said...

Dan you haven't been listing to JP yet? You've gotta get some of his preaching, it's awesome, and yes, very much the same message as Rob but a bit different style (same intensity though). Now if you were to , say, send me your phone number and address, I would probably send you some, or perhaps I'll meet you in HK and hand it over personally!

Aaron and I are already dreaming of late night dinners of unidentifiable chinese food with you...

lydia said...

You must be reading my mind....I insist we re-visit the issue of condemnation as well, that has been on my mind lately, which is why I was hoping you had already transcribed Rob's message Victory over Condemnation.
Joseph Prince has an amazing gift to unveil Jesus from any given passage.........I love listening to him!!

I want to have late night dinners too, even if they are unidentifiable........invite me too!!!

Dan Bowen said...

Awww stop ladies, stop!! I'm excited enough about Glory and Grace next March - just the conference alone! The thought of spending evening after evening with you wonderful people discussing, meditating and just plain soaking in grace is enough to make me go slightly dizzy in the head!!

I've tried out a few amazing resturants in HK (bet Julie has too!) - although I still insist on breakfast McMuffins at McDonalds!

I'm pretty sure I am bringing Scott with me, hopefully Pete is coming and maybe also my friend Myriddin as well - so we'll be making sure the UK gets fair representation!!

Awwwwwww *dreaming of worship at Glory and Grace* :D

I would love any JP material - sending u my details by email!

jul said...

I don't think it's fair of you to blame your dizziness on me haha! I'll be waiting patiently for your e-mail...

Unknown said...

Spent this morning hanging out in Galatians 2v11-3v1 with a student... loving the freedom that comes from dying with Christ and rising with him. There is my life: in the one who loved me and gave himself up for me. In the one 'publicly portrayed' in the preaching of the gospel. Freedom indeed!!

Dan Bowen said...

Thanks for comment Dave :) ... I must confess I am HUGELY envious that you get to spend breakfasts with students studying the Word of God ... and call it "work" ;) Wow ... whereas I on the other hand have to change kids nappies!

Unknown said...

And yet, your work is at least as important as mine - if not more so.