What My Friends Are Upto ...
I just thought I would provide a couple of links and news pieces on what is going on in the blogging world again - but more specifically with my friends. There's not a huge amount to say on the blogs I usually visit (other than one's got bloggers block, the same guy defined the Ephesians 4 Ministries really excellently - "a pastor loves Christians, a teacher loves books, an evangelist loves non-Christians, a prophet loves God and an apostle loves the church" - and no more mention of the dreaded club from the Mahaney women).
No far more exciting ...
Jul, the only SGM lady (apart from my mum) who is allowed to tell me off, has been awesomely inspired to write a song adapted from a hymn by Fanny Crosby -and thrillingly it has been inspired by Dr Ern Baxter. My favourite verse goes thus so: "If you're not here, we meet in vain, fill us with your power today ... Holy Spirit you alon can deeper love inspire ... And while we wait O Spirit come in kingdom building power". It's definately worth reading. I know I will be using it in my meditations and glory times.
Luke Wood has been (OH how jealous am I!?) to the Newfrontiers Leaders Prayer and Fasting Days in Derby. And just to really rub my face in it, got close enough to take a picture of my two heroes - Dave Devenish and Terry Virgo! It seriously thrilled me to be reminded of these vital days that Newfrontiers hold especially after being so challenged myself about the importance of the "Watch of the Lord". You get the feeling that if Luke calls it a "life-changing and eye-opening experience" then it really would fulfill my imagination. And with that powerful undercurrent of prophetic intercession and calling on God, suddenly you understand why Newfrontiers are making an impact on the world such as they are. When will we as a church get it? The most important meeting we can hold is a PRAYER MEETING! It's not acceptable to cancel the bi-monthly or monthly prayer meeting just because we've got a business meeting or something "better" to do! Rant over ...
We've heard nothing from Mark Heath for ten days now. I sense that he is back in the sleepless nights phase ... and no, that isn't my gift of prophecy - its because his latest gift from God is ten days old! We're with you Mark in spirit ...
Scott perhaps is living life too well - we haven't heard from him either since January 15th. Maybe student life is just too busy? Or has he got bloggers block too?!
Hartlib never wastes his words, so you know that if he writes, it's worth reading! In his latest post he argues: "History is not a peripheral subject of interest to a few (out-of-date?) people, but something that shapes our understanding of the world we live in and our own identity. Consciously or not, we are all historians - we all have a view on/ an understanding of the past - and if we're not conscious of it, that probably indicates that we have by default adopted the version presented to us by our culture". The response required? We must work to develop a Christian interpretation of history - if we do not, the automatic alternative is the development of one that is hostile to the Lordship of Christ.
And Fretboarder has developed some cool new guitar riffs .... I'm too scared to ask what they are, but they something worth thanking God for, so they must be good.
Yeah I'll get roind to it Bowen !!! lol ! Uni is busy !!
"roind"?!?! what do they teach you at these universities these days?! ;) A scary thought - the education of our children is in the hands of someone who says "roind"!! :D
I love that adaptation of the Crosby hymn. It's an inspired piece. A crying shame that we probbably won't see it on a forth coming SGM cd ...
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