1. "The Main Thing" - Part 1 - Audiotape.
2. "The Main Thing" - Part 2 - Audiotape.
Celebration Mid-South 2004. (If you're wondering why this seems a bit short Terry Virgo was the guest speaker at this conference but I've kept those CD's).
3. "Filled with the Holy Spirit and Power" - Brent Detweiler - CD.
4. "The Suffering Servant" - CD.
5. "Sovereign Grace" - CD.
6. "Mission Presentation" - CD.
Another Gospel?
7. "Another Gospel?" - Part 1 - Audiotape.
8. "Another Gospel?" - Part 2- Audiotape.
9. "Another Gospel?" - Part 3 - Audiotape.
10. "Another Gospel?" - Part 4 - Audiotape.
A Passion for the Church.
11. "Loving the Church" - Audiotape.
12. "Living for that Final Day" - Audiotape.
13. "Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit" - Audiotape.
14. "All for the glory of God" - Audiotape.
15. "Purpose of Spiritual Gifts" - Audiotape.
16. "Our Most Urgent Need" - Audiotape.
17. "Why We Gather Corporately" - Audiotape.
18. "Growing Together in Small Groups" - Audiotape.
19. "Transcending Our Differences" - Audiotape.
20. "What Fellowship Is ... And Isn't" - Audiotape.
21. "Committed to Making a Difference" - Audiotape.
Stoneleigh Bible Week 2000 (Newfrontiers).
22. "All Gifts from God" - (main session) - Audiotape.
23. "In light of the Lord's Return" - (main session) - Audiotape.
24. "Grace vs Legalism" - (seminar) - Audiotape.
25. "Unity" - (seminar) - Audiotape.
Suffering and Sovereignity Series.
26. "Part 1".
27. "Part 2".
28. "Part 3".
29. "Part 4".
Individual Messages - All Audiotapes.
30. "A Call to Prayer".
31. "A Passion for Unity".
32. "How Often Do I Forgive?".
33. "All Gifts from God" - Celebration 2000.
34. "Mortifying Pride - Growing in Humility".
35. "Easter Message".
36. "Forgiven Much".
37. "Mark 5:1-20".
38. "Daniel in Babylon" - at New Attitude 2000.
39. "Mother's Day Message".
40. "Worship and the Cross" - Worship Conference 1999.
41. "Celebrating the Gospel" - Celebration 2000.
42. "Cross: Legalism to Grace" - New Attitude 1999.
43. "Worship in Spirit and in Truth" - Worship Conference 1999.
44. "A Day in the life of Jesus Christ".
45. "Husband's Responsibilities".
46. "Grace and the Adventure of Leadership" - at Bethlehem Conference for Pastors 1999.
47. "Panel Discussion" - J M Boice, John Piper, C J Mahaney and David Bryant.
48. "The Cross: Irresistably Drawn".
Joshua Harris Messages.
49. "Free to Be Holy".
50. "Passion for the Church" - at New Attitude 1999.
51. "Passioned Orthodoxy" - at New Attitude 1999.
Celebration UK 2000.
Box set containing eight messages including C J Mahaney, Bob Kauflin, Dave Harvey and Peter Greasey.
Let's hope he was joking about the "real man" thing. What a stupid thing to say. I'm guessing you've just come off night shift!
Whose Peter Greasely?
I have read your link to CJ Mahaney's post...
Real men are those who weep before the Lord, who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who are passionate for the glory of God. Real men pray without ceasing. Real men serve - their wives and children if they have them, if not, the people who God brings into their path. Real men will go the extra mile - and yes, will resucitate a child through the night.
We have this terrible distortion of Christian manhood. Manhood is not measured by humour, nor by interest in sport, nor by an enjoyment of beer. Manhood is not about being macho. Manhood is about growing in likeness to our Lord Jesus.
I must admit I know absolutely nothing about smilies (I even had to look up your one to find out what it meant), but to read that somehow a man is not a real man if he uses them sadly reminds me of this scripture: "For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers" (Matt 23v4).
You are so much more gracious than I. I have gleefully tossed any and all material I come across in my house or car into the 'trash heap' but my true desires are far more sinister and involve at least a bonfire. (though I secretly admit to enjoying Pete Greasely's preaching on Hebrews and his wedding wing/plane story)
Are we allowed to pick and choose single messages or did you want to clear the whole batch out? I'd definately be interested in some - but he is a bit of a one-message man so not sure I would want the whole lot!
Can you email me and let me know? I'd be willing to pay whatever you need or want!
You're not alone in taking exception to Mahaney's blithering stupidities. I found the following comments on this blog:
I think you'll like them!!
"No really, this stuff is crap. I don’t know who Mahaney is but his sexist crap isn’t any better than the sexist crap that Mohler quotes from Moore in his preface to the Winter 2005 edition of Southern Seminary. This is probably why people feel they need to go emergent and distance themselves from the “established” church. It’s like they’ve all caught retarded or something.
Wow, men who find in their girlfriends a conversational partner of emasculated and effeminate? So much for relating. Wearing baggy pants is also evidence of an unbiblical male role? So much for comfort".
"No, I got the joke. I wasn’t commenting on you being a party to the screwed-up view of men and women that those guys hold. Really, I was just reacting (and angrily) to some guys that just tick me off.
It’s one thing for Joe Christian to have awkward perspectives on things like this, but for the leaders and the vocal presence of our Christian culture to be spewing such toxins… Makes me wanna go all Shadow of the Colossus on them. Climb climb climb stab spurt".
NOTE THAT. I think the chap has a point. Its one thing for us laity to write away in the way that we do but leaders definately DEFINATELY have a responsibility to take care that what they write won't cause brethren to stumble. Whether Mahaney meant it as a "joke" or not - it was in poor taste.
DR S A J Burgess
Many thanks all for comments. I'm glad it wasn't just me being touchy! I debated with myself over the weekend just how important this comment is, but I think that in the light of the discussions over complimentarianism and the books that Wayne Grudem is producing, I do believe that the issue of "biblical men" is extremely important.
Why should evangelical feminists change their lifestyles and their theology for self-important, male chauvinist, selfish, emotionally stunted men who are obsessed with sports and little else aside from the fact that they know that they are the "head" of home and church?
I wouldn't if I was a woman!
Whether C J meant it as a joke or not, it was unfortunate coming from a man who is self-proclaimed as a protector of the complimentarian faith. By the way I have left a comment on the "TG4" blog under that entry post lest anyone think I am just bitching about how he's ticked me off ... again.
Now ... I don't want to waste another day discussing this. The tide is turning!! There's so much more to discuss and pray for and look to.
PS: Peter (however you spell his name) "G" is the senior pastor of Christchurch, Newport and some kind of "apostolic" father figure over the three SGM churches in the UK.
And yes - James - you can have whatever tapes you want. If they aren't claimed soon, they'll be going on Jul's proverbial bonfire because I am moving into serious cleaning mode. Nothing is safe.
who cares what the laughing gibbon says.
OH NO - I missed it - are there any CJ or other things left?
Sad as can be....
Hi Jon,
No there are plenty left. Email me at: CharismaticDan@yahoo.com and let me know what you'd like.
Hi I've been searching for Mahaney's Passion for the Church series (can't find it anywhere) and just came across your blog. I realize you posted this two years ago. Any chance you still have them?
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