Monday, December 01, 2008

Get Thee Up into the High Mountain!!

Well once again God shows His wonderful grace through some awesome friends I've got. I'm being taken away tomorrow for a week's surprise holiday for my birthday! (It's on the 8th December). It was felt that I would benefit from some winter sun. I can tell I'm a workaholic when I don't want to go away because I will miss the chance to work! But I am going because I think it will be a good break - and hopefully a chance to re-boot, rest and make some major decision choices.

But most importantly of all - I pray again its a chance to just do "nothing" and encounter God in powerful ways. I love this clip where Rob was speaking to the Mobilise thousands last Brighton conference when we were there and he urges that getting away with God is so important.

I love the way that Rob's example is so grace-filled. My life has been full of great men and women of God who have testified to an awesome relationship with Him. But somehow I have always felt condemned and guilty because I couldn't quite match up to their walk with God. Yet Rob Rufus is a different story and I am not quite sure how he does it. He testifies to encounters with God that I can only dream of - yet this motivates me rather than condemns me! I think because his teaching is so undergirded with New Covenant grace - no one can be left with the impression that it's thanks to great scholar-ship or great study or great prayer and fasting but GRACE!!

So I've got great hopes for this week - I hope to return refreshed and full of revelation and new vision for the end of this difficult year and a new year full of hope and promise! Loadsa love to everyone - hope you have a great week. I will try and get to an internet cafe if I can but if not - see you when I get back!


lydia said...

Wonderful for you Dan!! I pray you get that needed refreshment in HIM!! And a very Happy Birthday to you as well!! Many many blessings to you!!

Dan Bowen said...

Thanks Lydia!! :) xx

Chris Welch - 07000INTUNE said...

He's going to answer some of your deep desires this week Dan.

Christine shared an interesting hair example. Hair? Yup Hair.
She was feeling discouraged the other weeks or months but she felt that RiverCamp showed her something.She would get discouraged by the amount God seemed to be touching other folk...but not apparently her. However she found Rivercamp so invigoratingand different. And one day as she was showering, she noticed how at first water would just flow straight off her very dry, parched hair...but the longer she left it under the water, gradually the more soaked in. And Rivercamp for her was a place where the continuous flow of the Spirit started soaking right into her.

It's so important that we don't get discouraged at the first soak!!!And think oh that's it then.

jul said...

Have a great birthday Dan! Enjoy your week and breath deeply.