Monday, September 12, 2005

Help for the Spiritually Abused

I've been amazed at the feedback via emails about my postings concerning the behaviour of church leaders. So I've been searching for good articles and helps for those suffering through what has been done to them. This set of 3 articles is excellent - very pastoral and gracious from the CBN website. Well worth a read. The key point to me that is worthy of remembering is that the Lord Jesus showed a great deal of love and compassion to those truly in need of it, but showed His rare harshness towards Pharisaical leaders who tended towards judgement. - the links to the 2nd and 3rd part are found off this first page.

1 comment:

Dan Bowen said...

I was really encouraged to find that this subject was addressed in one of the seminar sessions at John MacArthur's Shepherds Conference 2005 in California.

In my horrid closing interview with the SGM church I was shouted at by the housegroup leader for seeking counsel outside the church. Both the seminar and the paper on Spiritual Abuse come against that - pointing to the verse in Proverbs saying that there is "safety in a multitude of counsellors".

The notes of the seminar entitled; "The Issues in Ministry Worth Fighting For" can be found at:

It's great to see that MacArthur is speaking to the leaders he has influence over to correct and stop these abuses.

D x