"We are living in extraordinary days! ... I really believe the tide is turning in the land. One of the things the Daily Telegraph reported recently is that in the last seven years a thousand churches have opened in this country, and at the same time 450 Starbucks have opened".
Luke says quite rightly; "Sounds like the tide is turning to me!". I have to confess my heart leaps at the sound of this. We have lived so long in days of struggle and weary toil where it seems like the gospel doesn't bear much fruit at all. Can it really be true? Is God beginning to move in response to the prayers and cries of His People? He promised He would! I think I will be fighting Luke to get to the Brighton conference bookstall for this must-have!
I'm a little confused by Luke's entry, as when I was at Prayer and Fasting, it sounded like he'd only written the first chapter, unless he's got that quote from elsewhere, but it sounds like a paraphrase of what he said.
I'd be surprised if it was out at Brighton, although I guess that would make sense
Ah fair enough! Well we will just have to exercise patience then I guess ... ;)
Thanks for the message!
Wowwwwww!! How fab!! Can't wait!!
Be assured the quote is word for word! But it wasn't taken from prayer and fasting, it was a recording of a talk Terry gave in Birmingham recently as part of the God's Lavish Grace tour. You can hear it for yourself at http://www.westbirmfc.org/sermons/mp3/Grace%20Conference_Session3.mp3.
I think you're right James, it would make sense for it to be published by July, that certainly seemed to have been the pattern with Dave Devenish's and John Hosier's books last summer.
Either way, whenever it comes out, I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say!
Hey yes, I forgot that the Birmingham leg of the God's Lavish Grace tour has happened!! So can we hope for/expect a full report of the tour Luke (if work permits?!) ;)
Thanks for listening carefully to that quote!! I'm so glad I don't have to be patient!! :D
Great Quote on Churches and Starbucks - God is on the move!
i'm pretty sure his books just get better and better...
Hey Frankie! I was very excited to find your blog and read what you had to write. Thanks for leaving a message. And yes ... I couldn't agree more - they DO get better and better don't they?! He's constantly raising the bar ...
Yes Gavin had an excellent point re: the difference between Starbucks and Churches. I'm sure I remember Joshua Harris (sorry for mentioning him!!) write an article once about the visions and passions of Starbucks and how we should learn something from that. Vision and passion - there it is again!
Can we get the same vision and passion for our churches? Can you Dan get excited about people going out from your church to the Malverns? Or do you mourn the people leaving? Vision and passion will pursue us and chase us to accomplish great things for God! Things that we never thought possible.
And finally vision and passion I think will mean the difference beteween us being Pioneers or Settlers (to quote a previous post).
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