Well I had an awesome email from the Newfrontiers "Connect" service and it had an official report from the recent Prayer and Fasting time in Peterborough. As an amazing bonus it also has links to the three talks that Rob Rufus gave and Sarah reported on so well. Here's what the report said;

"An invitation to encounter the Spirit"
Leaders from across the UK are used to gathering three times a year for two wonderful days of Prayer and Fasting, but May 2007 brought something a bit different. To begin with, we met in a new venue - the impressive home of Peterborough Community Church that has recently been constructed. The other significant change on this occasion was that time and space was given over to the ministry of Rob Rufus. Rob and his wife Glenda, originally from South Africa and now establishing a church in Hong Kong, are part of the New Covenant Ministries International stream of churches. Three of the seven sessions over the two days were set aside for Rob to teach and minister amongst us, which he did with passion, humour and real sensitivity to the Spirit. We were able to benefit from his infectious love for God and desire to see his power manifested.
Rob encouraged us that because Jesus has ascended to heaven, the Holy Spirit is now the ‘contact person of the Trinity’. We are to seek intimacy with him and expect his tangible presence to impact our churches and localities. Rob allowed plenty of time for us to encounter God and encouraged us to continue doing so in order that we might develop fellowship with the Spirit in our daily walk, drawing on the strength of God so that we can be equipped to fight the battles of faith that come our way. We look forward to what Rob will bring as he is with us at the Together on a Mission Conference in a few weeks time at Brighton.
Gathering with over 800 leaders was a great experience; our worship times ranged from exuberance to intimacy, passionate exclamation to enjoying the stillness of God's presence. Flowing into this context we heard encouraging news about advance in South Africa, Zimbabwe, China and Northern Europe as well as the impact of the Front Edge evangelistic initiative in the UK. Over the two days there was an exciting fusion of feedback, prayer and prophecy. This was especially true as our focus turned towards the Together on a Mission, Mobilise and Newday events taking place this summer. We prayed in anticipation that God will change hearts, transform lives and impact nations.
It is a privilege to join together in prayer, giving thanks for what God has done and calling upon Him to move in greater power in our midst as we make His name known. We left Peterborough refreshed, inspired and with renewed expectation to encounter the Spirit in greater measure.
Below are Rob Rufus’ three talks from Prayer and Fasting. Once opened in your browser you may need to save the files 'File / Save as' in order to listen to them.
Talk 1
Talk 2
Talk 3".
Hello there,
I wanted to leave a message thanking you for these links. I am a cessationist Professor at a seminary in Canada (also pre-millenialist) and I must confess I have followed this website for some time looking for loopholes in your theology but I have been continually impressed at your consistence, your passion - stemming from your eschatology and the links you provide your readers to support and demonstrate your beliefs.
I found these messages by Rob Rufus very powerful and challenging. I may not change my theology (I'm too old for that) but it's certainly made me go back to my Bible with a new perspective when I read it.
Many thanks. Keep at it.
Professor J.A.B
Thanks for the comment and honesty. Glad you are finding it interesting.
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