“The Land” from the Dales Bible Week 1976 “Where Are We Going?” Series by Dr Ern Baxter. Dr. Baxter was a powerful prophetic voice of the previous generation. Well read and experienced after decades in the work of the ministry, he had an vast and unusually clear grasp of the message of the Scriptures (especially the typology of the Old Testament) and also a clear prophetic sense of the Church’s role and where we are in the outworking of God’s Kingdom purposes in the earth. This series of messages and especially this particular message is timely in helping our generation of Christians understand who we are and what belongs to us today.
This message was transcribed by Dan Bowen, my good friend from the UK and posted on his website, Life On Wings - A Tribute to Dr Ern Baxter".
A good friend of mine (who is both cessationist and pre-millenial) emailed me in frustration yesterday after I had published "Ultimate Triumph" and said; "What do you want??! Are you expecting us all to become post-millenial?!?!". It was a good question. But my answer is - no. I am not expecting "us all" to become post-millenial. I'm not even really sure that I'm post-millenial. One thing George Kouri wrote summarises what I want;
" ... helping our generation of Christians understand who we are and what belongs to us today".
I want the Church to understand who she properly is and for my generation to realise what rightly belongs to us and is our inheritance. I don't bang on about the baptism of the Holy Spirit because I am defending something that happened to me almost 7 years ago now. I go on about it because I want to see new believers released into the sealing of the Spirit so that they KNOW - that they KNOW - that they KNOW that God is their Father!! I dream of the day when church after church releases thousands of Spirit-baptised and empowered men and women walking the streets shining like stars because they know the Spirit of God is within them crying "Abba! Father!". When that day comes - then we will be ready to take the Land. Or as George Kouri put it;
"The revelation that will enable us to see Jesus as He is and His Bride as an unstoppable force".
Do you see your Church as an unstoppable force? If you don't know what "taking the Land" means - then go read the transcript. It might change your life, and then maybe your family's life, and then maybe your town's life, and then maybe your country's life.
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