I've heard this quote before, but it freshly came alive to me today;
"I'd rather DROWN trying to walk on water than die of BOREDOM sitting in the religious boat!".
"I'd rather DROWN trying to walk on water than die of BOREDOM sitting in the religious boat!".

Rob Rufus - 2007_10_24 - "Extraordinary Power".
Oooh yes!! Yes, yes, YES!! What a way to cure boredom eh!? Start living a life worthy and ready for martyrdom! I must confess I'm so bored at the moment. I'm working and paying my bills. Waiting for the next pay day. As Rob would say; "Eating food, passing it through my body" - but am I making footprints on the sands of history?! I'm not so sure. Time to start stepping out of the religious boat. It's so dull in there anyway! Yes I may have spent 30 years trying to get my doctrine "right".
But God used people like William Branham and Kathryn Kuhlman in mighty, mighty ways and they didn't get it "right" all the time! I love the picture I found of Peter walking on the water. So many pictures all show him sinking. The church loves it when someone tries to walk on water but sinks - like Todd Bentley. But the fact is that he walked on water! And "the others" just stayed in the boat. Time to be "safe"? Or time to walk towards the open hands of Jesus?
So dude...are you coming with me to Heidi Baker in May? £5.50.....
Also...Kris Vallotton is coming....
Ohh Urs, you even need to ask!??! I am soo gonna be there - and Kris V is one of Bill Johnson's boys isn't he?
What's the date again!?
Let's get our feet wet together!!!! Woohoo!!!
.....and I 'expect' a full report and pics!!! :)
Deal ... as soon as I get your session by session report on G and G in H.K together with prophecies, songs, etc! ;) And most importantly what Rob was wearing day by day!
....haha, I didn't know you were waiting for that.....woo dang, well, not everyone is as gifted as you my friend in speed racer typing and note taking!!
I guess Julie, Urs and I talked about it so much between ourselves we thought we had it covered!! I think Hong Kong for me was so surreal, I can't even put words to it some of the time!!!
Anyway............you know what I think some of the sessions might be on Grace Stream, I thought I saw Rob in his red shirt with white flowers preaching a message I had already heard..........could that be?
(He also has quite a lovely purple shirt too, but I think you have already seen that one)
Big cheeky grins.............
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