The Bible - the very Word of God - is so full of declarations of TRUTH that it staggers me how Christians, the church and I struggle with disbelief, doubt and fear. There is no ambiguity in the Word of God. It just states it. Such as; 
"The earth is the Lord's and all it contains, the world and all that dwell in it".
Another favourite Scripture of mine is Numbers 14:21;
" ... but indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD".
Pete Day and I have been communicating lots this week - mainly getting excited my discoveries on the "Revival Library" - the Restoration Magazine collection and the Arthur Wallis conference notes. Pete commented on something very interesting - he said;
"I keep getting the sense that there is going to be a wonderful marriage of grace with restoration. Until we heard of Rob we were passionate about restoration, and then restoration took a back seat while I began to hear of grace. And now restoration is coming back into my thinking... but in the context of grace. When the two go together it is divine combustion!!".

"The earth is the Lord's and all it contains, the world and all that dwell in it".
Another favourite Scripture of mine is Numbers 14:21;
" ... but indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the LORD".
Pete Day and I have been communicating lots this week - mainly getting excited my discoveries on the "Revival Library" - the Restoration Magazine collection and the Arthur Wallis conference notes. Pete commented on something very interesting - he said;
"I keep getting the sense that there is going to be a wonderful marriage of grace with restoration. Until we heard of Rob we were passionate about restoration, and then restoration took a back seat while I began to hear of grace. And now restoration is coming back into my thinking... but in the context of grace. When the two go together it is divine combustion!!".
This was such a vital comment for me. What is the point of grace unless the object is that the farthest reaches of Planet Earth hear of the glory and wonder of what Christ achieved on the Cross for us? Surely if we keep grace to ourselves then we will become as bad as the early Charismatic Movement days when they saw the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a "personal experience" to be kept private along with their "private prayer language - tongues". Rubbish! This is something to be shouted from the rooftops!
So this article from Ern Baxter is key to be read. It is from the New Wine Magazine - January 1985 and is entitled; "The Earth is the Lords". Read it here!
Here are some quotes from the articles;
"The gospel is destined to be victorious in time, space and history. Jesus Christ will remain in heaven until all things spoken of by the prophets have come to pass".
Victorious! That is a phrase that we don't hear often these days in Christianity and I'm not sure why. It's back to my first statement in this blog - that the Word of God makes statements that have yet to be believed and acted upon. For example the Word of God stated that when Jesus died on the Cross He completely and finally defeated principalities and powers and put them under His feet! Another statement from the Word of God that Ern Baxter actually quoted in his article;
"All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth".
Ern commented on that verse;
"That means in the United States of America, Jesus Christ has all authority. In the (now ex) Soviet Union, Jesus Christ has all authority. In China Jesus Christ has all authority. It means that there isn't a better gospel coming. There isn't a better Jesus yet to be revealed. It's done! It's finished!".
So as Pete Day said - let's not neglect the glorious array of truths that the Word of God has promised. Grace has come to us in glorious abundance for a reason - that the lost may hear and believe!
1 comment:
Ha! Just finished writing to my friend Stuart when I read your post.
Just wrote:
We had a very powerful men's weekend on the IOW.For me it was a kind of further fulfilment of what we were always after in Bible House days. I don't know things get better and better. But anyhow Jose mentioned that you have a secret stash of Jorge's tapes from way back.and the odd Best of CD with Montse singing.
Thing is, I don't know if you are also picking this up, but the 70s vibes of "praise and worship-entering God's Presence", "Covenant Love" and "The vision and Unity of the Church" are beginning to come round again big time. Rob Rufus of Hong Kong speaks of God's revelations as a cycle that never comes back the same, but is like a spiral staircase ever rising. Dan Bowen is writng transcriptions this month of every single 76 and 77 Dales Bible Week message see here
I wrote to him just the other day saying I wish I could share transcriptions of Jorge's messages on The Vision of the Church and learning about the realms of Praise and Worship but I thought they were scattered all round different homes. Then just 48 hours later Jose is sharing that you have been collecting them up. Which made me a bit worried because I played some early 90s tapes the other week which had already gone there is no time to lose.....either transcribing or converting to digital format. They are simply too important to leave to rot!
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