I've updated the "Charismatic Resurgence Resource" post with a couple of new additions as well as adding my favourite "Baptism in Spirit" quotes to the "Underlined Bits" blog. I have also tried to tidy up the "Spirit of God!" blog a bit by dividing my links (which I now call "Hot Coals of Fire!" - inspired by this guy and his lightening rods!) and a link to the cumulative post above. There is some awesome material coming through thanks to my friends - especially Julie. My other awesome friend Luke Wood is vowing to write daily so it looks like I am going to have my work cut out for me trying to keep up with what the Holy Spirit is doing across the nations!
So with that in mind, I am thrilled that Pete Day is going to be joining me as an author on the "Spirit of God!" blog so he can have the freedom to add posts as he discovers them. I hope that by doubling the work force, I can ensure that this post becomes a useful resource again for anyone like me who is desperately hungry for the Spirit to come like a tidal wave across our barren nations and flood us in revival power!
For anyone who doesn't believe the Holy Spirit really does that anymore - let me re-quote Sarah's description of what happened at Prayer and Fasting;
"I have never been so aware of the Spirits touch on my life, as Rob (Rufus) requested the 'fire of God' waves of his presence filled the room...again...and again...and again...!!"

For any who are like me and have missed "Prophetically Speaking" it is a thrill to know that Jesse will be posting shortly! He writes that he has now graduated from SGM Pastor's College and will be moving back home. His wonderful mother makes a comment that was news to me ... apparantly moving from Maryland to Florida is not "cross-country". It highly amused me as it is exactly something my mum would say. Obviously home-schooling mother's across the globe make observations in a similar loving fashion! Although my mum wouldn't know how to leave a comment on my blog. I'm not sure she would know how to find my blog actually ... Anyway his first post looks set to be key;
"My first post will be to report on a class I attended at the church, "Leading your children in the baptism in the Holy Spirit." It was excellent. Details forthcoming".
This is a vital issue! One of the seminars I am most looking forward to at Together on a Mission in July is Terry Virgo preaching on "How to Lead People into the Baptism of the Spirit". Those of us who hold a classical Pentecostal position on this are in danger of spending so much time defending the "When" question that we could be abandoning actually praying for those close to us to receive this awesome experience of the assurance of sonship.
Janelle is live-blogging from the New Attitude Conference (the youth SGM conference) and reports on an important sounding session by Mark Dever. It was called; "Discern Your Doctrine". I think in light of Julie's challenge about Christians not constantly being at each other's throats, this sounds like very wise pastoral advice on how to decide what's worth fighting over and what isn't. His points;
"1) How clear is it in Scripture? 2) How clear is it to others that we trust? 3) How near is it to the Gospel? 4) What would the effects be if we allow disagreement?".
Luke Wood is making it big in the blogging world! A comment from Tim Challies and a mention from Adrian Warnock - can you make it any further?! Seriously I am going to try and follow his advice as far as possible and blog more regularly.
New Community Church in Sidcup pastored by Matt Hosier and where Dave Holden is based have been running a blog this month. It seems that Matt and Dave Holden both contribute to it. While it is obviously primarily aimed at their church with local news, as one would expect that is some awesome writing, news and stuff worth reading there. Dave Holden wrote a great deal about his time out in Africa supporting the churches there. This quote of Matt Hosier's really challenged me;
"The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.”Let’s be people with good attitude. While we will never coach a football team to European glory we can all make a decision to approach life with a winners attitude, giving thanks to God for his amazing love, grace and mercy".
And finally ... the photo is of my newest beautiful niece. I am a very proud uncle and think my sister is just absolutely wonderful! I found myself marvelling at God's awesome Creation all over again!
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