The "Glory Encounters" Conference was a short but extremely significant conference that could be in danger of being swallowed by the "Glory and Grace Conference" in Sydney or Rob's ministry trip to Europe. But it shouldn't be forgotten! The guest speakers were Joshua Mills and Kaye Beye and my friends Julie and Aaron Morris were there.

I do urge you all to go read them - this is the life of City Church International! This is the life of New Testament church! I am so grateful to God that He wanted Julie and Aaron there and I do pray that the imparted blessing of that trip will be already bearing fruit in their church planting in Canada. Don't forget the audio is available on the City Church International website!!
Just seen someone speaking about gold teeth appearing in St Paul’s Ealing,London.
There have been a lot of negatives today happening to Christine and I today, in the business and generally financially.. It feels like treacle. I refuse to be intimidated.
It is really important what is being shared, discussed and as today, testified about on this site by each and everyone.
I really feel the importance of what I have been sharing. I felt God confirm this
Weekend’s parable about MS DOS and WINDOWS. You know, with kind of logical brains on it would seem that I have been talking at complete right-angles to the subjects discussed…but watch with me as we put our Holy Spirit 3D glasses on.
In this revival move….in the things that are going on in Rob’s Church, in what is
Beginning to break out even in our own church here….we are touching another level.
Rheinhardt Bonnke 25 years ago broke the mould when he began preaching the gospel and new believers were being baptised in the Spirit there and then. We thought that was amazing
But something new…deeper…more powerful is happening. Rheinhardt told us 2 months ago of something like a Holy Ghost cyclone almost visibly descending on
The crowd as he preached in India. It fell vertically and moved around the crowd. Todd is
Leading people from day 1 into the Glory Presence of God.
In the glory, the articulate, step by step bit of our brains, just falls silent…in awe.
But something happens to our spirits. Our spirits, like inflating leather footballs
Expand to take in more and more of His doctrines. We literally stretch on our insides.
God can begin sharing things now, that 4 months ago were just too wacky, too off the wall. Listen, through utter desperation with charismatic Christianity and the sinfulness of my own behaviour, 20 years ago, I started to get revelation on how the third level works….and for 20 years I have been thrilled to learn that it isn’t just nice theory…it really works. But for 20 years God has not let me say anything. But this year in January God said to write the article I released before our Conference called “Christ in us as us is about to go global” And no one was more surprised than the group who teaches it. I felt like Peter, when he knocked on the door of the very prayer meeting that was praying for him…you know, in Acts when the angel let him out of prison and they left him in the street!!!!
Take this weekend. We’ve got people grappling whether or not we should feel our unworthiness, or our sinfulness. And we can think and think about these matters
In MS DOS mode. In the computer part of our thinking. Our whole Christian life
Can be “Command –centred “ or “instruction-centered”.
But then the revelation of The New Covenant grabs hold of us. Like “WINDOWS”
We cannot operate in the same way anymore. It doesn’t mean we don’t do doctrines any more…but sometimes you have to leave your doctrines and get into the Presence
Of the Living Christ. If that is difficult for you on your own…go to places where people know how to enter, not just into the Holy Place….but the real supernatural Holy of Holies. Although it is true, there is a process of learning “here a little there a little”- the other truth is that our real need is to become willing. It says in John 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself .King James This means 2 things. We will be able to discern Christ’s doctrine, secondly to be able to do that we’ve got to know it first, and that too can be downloaded really fast each time our will comes to a new place of surrender. Simple proof!!
The day we come to the Lord and ask Him into our heart…we suddenly get a huge increase of understanding of the Bible. Before it absolutely meant nothing. And in one day or week, we understand more than in the whole of the rest of our life. That cannot be explained in MS DOS mode…by instructional learning…it is instant. It is by revelation.
God’s House has 3 rooms Hebrews says The Outer Courts, The Holy Place and the Holy of Holies. Each room requires a deeper YES in our heart. And each YES literally opens the apple cart of new doctrine, so in less than a week you have tons of new apples falling all over you. And you think, how come I never saw that before!!!!
But to those whose heart is saying NO, you can speak til you are blue in the face, you won’t be heard. The things that are precious to you are in a meaningless language.
I tried in vain to explain to Dad about how WINDOWS operates, but he kept saying “Just give me instructions. Give me Commands. Give me MS DOS.
Now, in the first and second levels, there still remains this “instructional form of Christianity”…..but guess what…in level 3 , it’s more about WINDOWS…or the revelation of the New Covenant…or getting into the real Presence of Christ.
No one can do that for you. Ed Miller calls ministries “Taxi Drivers” to the Presence of Christ. Once they have got you there, they withdraw. Their job is done. They are irrelevant. So different from ministries that are stuck in the 1st and 2nd levels who see themselves as Dads continually shoving comforters in the mouths of their flock. The sight of 18 year olds with comforters looks a little perverse!!!
Julie, thanks so much for sharing about the remainder of your trip. When I saw on your blog that you bought a house I imediatedly remembered (or thought) that there had been a word or prayer during one of the meetings in Hong Kong that was related to houses. I haven't re-listened to them thought to confirm. Was there a word related to buying a house and was there a connection between that and your quick acquisition, do you think? maybe I'm totally not remembering it correctly. Anyway, thanks again for sharing your experiences, I love the testimonies of what God is doing all over the world.
PS - Chris, I'm also appreciating the comments that you're sharing. I'm 30, and starting to try and put the pieces of recent history together, seeing what God has been doing and moving us towards. I love hearing the prophecies, both recent and from years ago. Wonderful. Thanks.
Hi Shawna, I think you're right! I think it was Josh Mills who said something about houses if I'm not mistaken, it was actually while we were in Hong Kong that my Mom heard from a friend about this house possibly being available to rent or buy, so it we contacted the owners when we got back and it never went on the market! Additionally, we still haven't settled on the house but we've been living there for free for a month!
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