"There is no euphemism for spiritual quackery, and neither is there a euphemism for the clowns who are willfully conned by it".
Well ... at least clowns are happy people. It is interesting that any revival, any move of God stirs up emotions in the Church. And I think this is actually a good thing - even when I am being called a "clown" for being "willfully conned" by Todd Bentley. The main failure and error in the Church surely must be a passive approach and a lethargy. If people are getting angry then at least they are feeling something! That being said - I resent and reject the suggestion that just because we are embracing a move of God that offends the minds and traditions of some, that I am not a thinking person - that I have chucked away my brain.
Thanks to Lydia for the link to this 55 page paper by Dr Gary S Grieg:
Todd Bentley did write his own 7 page paper examining the move of God but I suspect the critics won't be interested in what he has got to say. Dr Grieg is a former Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Regent University School of Divinity, and Senior Editor, Theology and Acquisitions for the Regal Publishing Group. This biblical scholar and theologian shared that the Lord had healed him of sleep apnea while entering into worship while watching a telecast of the Lakeland Outpouring. It's well worth a read because he addresses 10 objections that I have heard again and again and again.
I say again - we want more Lord! Don't just stay limited to Lakeland! You are truly welcome all over the earth! Don't pass us by!
I reviewed that document and found it quite compelling -- filled with scripture quotations and explanations.
He also included the stories of amazing, bizarre supernatural events recorded in scripture, that if done today would, I am sure, bring howls of protest from people who like the supernatural to remain safely in the past or the future.
Reading over those accounts made me wonder: how many Christians even know of these miraculous signs recorded in the Bible? Things like teleportation, being pinned to the ground for a day, prophesying while naked? I truly wonder if much of the scorn and resistance to the supernatural today is the fruit of simple ignorance of the contents of the Bible?
Also, about Lakeland: last night, Todd Bentley gave a call to salvation in Jesus Christ that would've done Billy Graham proud: he stressed the need for the repentance of sins, turning to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord for the forgiveness of sins and entry into the Kingdom of God, and being taught/discipled to grow in Christ. He had all those who wanted salvation come forward and recite a prayer of repentance and faith in Christ, then go off to receive further prayer and instruction. They all received a booklet on how to understand their decision and grow in Christ.
Hey Don, AWESOME point;
"Reading over those accounts made me wonder: how many Christians even know of these miraculous signs recorded in the Bible? Things like teleportation, being pinned to the ground for a day, prophesying while naked? I truly wonder if much of the scorn and resistance to the supernatural today is the fruit of simple ignorance of the contents of the Bible?".
I think it's true - yet ironically these howls of protest come from people who purport to be "people of the Word". I remember hearing C J Mahaney speak at a Leadership Conference approving something that was blatently quenching the Holy Spirit ... and yet said; "Oh all I want to be is a Bible man".
It does indeed demonstrate our ignorance of the broad scope of the Word of God and the awesome history that is covered!
What about Numbers 11 for example?! We all know about the Spirit falling on the elders, but what would we say to the two elders who were elsewhere in the camp, and Joshua got extremely upset and told Moses to command them to not prophesy anymore!?
Doesn't that sound somewhat similar to the Holy Spirit falling in Lakeland, and yet you in the USA or I in the UK or John Kpikpi in GHANA receiving impartations at the SAME time to go and do mighty works?
man... god is good...
just sayin
If somebody is a person of the Word then by definition they must be full of the Spirit and experiencing the power (not the understanding or academic appreciation of) the Gospel.
It is insanity to glory in the seed and not plant and water it. See the Word is power and life.
It is not a Living Word if it does not affect transformation.
Without transformation and the true power of the Gospel you have a dead sterile, theologically sound but lifeless religion that can't help you or anyone else.
What's happening in Ghana is wonderful. Lakeland... I have some reservations but some of what Rob Rufus is preaching now concerns me far more than Lakeland. Both of which I will hold off on at present.
When Jesus is truly in the House, something always happens. And He does not work on our terms. He will not come by His Spirit on our theological terms.
My heart for the church in this land is that leaders and pastors and the people will truly say to God the Holy Spirit "Come and do what You want to do."
This was on SLICE:
*Crosstalk Alert* Wednesday
I recently posted a message from Justin Peters on the Word of Faith movement and its heretical teachings. This is the movement that has produced so many false teachers, including Todd Bentley and his Lakeland "revival". ...
Slice of Laodicea - http://www.sliceoflaodicea.com
See also http://www.justinpeters.org. He spoke at my church and comes highly recommended by my pastor, Dr. John MacArthur.
He also has cerebral palsy, so he has a very unique perspective. Click on "demo" if you go to his site.
Please receive this in Christian love.
God bless you!
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