On Thursday night (29th May 2008) I was watching the Florida outpouring on God TV. It went on till our time 12.30am. Towards the end there were testimonies of the 15th person raised from the dead – one of which was reported by cell phone from Kenya!
I was about to go to bed when a lady in our church phoned to say that her husband had stopped speaking and stopped responding to her, and asked me to come.
It was rather dire when I got there; we could not detect any breathing movements at all, and his body felt very cold to the touch. There was no pulse and his limbs were limp. Not being a medic I can’t claim he was dead but there was no evidence of life.
His three children were crying in another room while I set out to pray for him with his wife, obviously filled with faith from my time watching the TV.
After praying for a while I thought I noticed a slight movement below the thorax. I wondered whether my eyes were playing tricks on me so I rested my palm gently over the area – and felt it move. I asked his wife to feel the same place but she said she couldn’t feel anything. We continued to pray and I saw his collar bone move up and down!
We pressed on and then I could hear breathing noises. Then he began to snore and at this time his wife called him and he responded with a grunt! I felt it was time for me to leave and I went in and assured the children that their Dad was OK.
Was he raised from the dead? Well, I think if I hadn’t gone in with impartation from the Florida outpouring we would all have been wailing on Sunday; rather he came to stand with his wife before the church as a great testimony.
Hallelujah! I am hungry for more of this present outpouring.
John Kpikpi
2nd June 2008
As Terry himself said; "To God alone be the glory!".
On a point of accuracy John Kpikpi is in Ghana where the miracle occurred. He referred to a Kenya report as well in his text but this was not the same one.
Duly altered Nigel. Whatever countries, resurrections from the dead happen - I still think they are pretty exciting.
Ha ha corrected by Nigel Ring!! You dummy ... how could you forget that John is in Ghana?! Thats funny to me.
Good job I am secure in knowing I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus then ... and lack of geographical knowledge doesn't break my fellowship with the manifest PResence of God then isn't it?! ;)
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