I am absolutely thrilled to be able to report what I think is a worldwide first! Due to some help from friendly salesmen at Currys, I have brought a DVD/VHS machine that copies videotapes directly to DVDs! I have just completed copying my entire collection of Ern Baxter on videotape across to DVD!
I think you will all appreciate why I am so excited. The videotapes are now almost 25 years old and my concern has been that they will definately wear out at some point (especially due to my continued playing of them). But further more it means that my second passion can be fulfilled and I can more effectively get Dr Ern Baxter's ministry out to whoever wants him. I know that the visual image is not everyones favourite medium for hearing a sermon. It requires time and some degree of attention - whereas the audio CD can be played in the background. Anyone who has seen Ern Baxter will agree with me that the full power and anointing of his preaching is caught when he is seen.
I am therefore offering anyone who would like it - the chance to get these DVD's. They are available at £9.99 each and I promise that each DVD will be copied directly from the master video so that the quality of the recording is as best as I can get it. Here is the list of the ministry that I have available.
The Priestly Clothing Series.
1. A Kingdom of Priests and the Linen Breeeches (Double DVD).
2. The Coat of Fine Linen and the Robe of the Ephod (Double DVD).
3. The Ephod.
4. Strange Fire.
Salvation Words Series.
1. Salvation and Justification (Double DVD).
2. Glorification.
Romans Series (Anglia Bible Week 1984).
1. Righteousness Needed 1.
2. Righteousness Needed 2.
3. Righteousness Received.
4. Righteousness Expressed 1.
5. Righteousness Expressed 2.
Individual Tapes (New Covenant Church, Dunstable 1991).
1. History Making Prayer.
2. The Spirit and the Word.
Don't miss out on this opportunity!
Well ... we're off to Brighton! Blogging will be slightly disrupted as I can't promise systematic reports on the sessions but I will be taking copious notes and pictures and will blog a complete report when I can. See you next week ...
Just back from Brighton!! Had the most absolutely AWESOME time with God!! And I got challenged about giving away - so I am altering the DVD offer. Just send whatever you can afford. I don't want the price to stop anyone getting their hands on these DVD's. So just email me or post a request with contact details and I will get copying them!
One thing that struck me when we were at Brighton was how much Ern Baxter and Newfrontier's theologies of the Kingdom of God match up. And above all the committed passion to the glory of God.
Anyway I shall stop this because I have to go to work and it will turn into a post otherwise. I didn't get to blog at all at the conference because the computers were bagged most of the time by far more intense bloggers and pastors needing to check their emails than I! ;)
So my plan is to blog through each day at the conference daily as from tomorrow so that there isn't an overload of information.
There is so much to tell!
D xxx
Can't wait to hear all about it! We'll be going up to MA in a couple of weeks for the weekend with area NFIers and we just found out Terry will be there. I'm so excited! It's been a rough few months and we could use a little break.
I most DEFINATELY want copies of all of these monumental sounding videos! Wow! To get to see Ern Baxter live preaching! It will be like being transported into the Third Heaven ...
Ok getting carried away there! :) Seriously though - please do add me to your list. I'll email you postage details.
I must confess I am not brilliant at the video/visual format of messages. I am too impatient to sit down and watch and absorb! But I am absolutely persuaded by your insistence that Ern Baxter must be enjoyed properly in this way. So please do add me to the list. I would love to begin by getting the "Priestly Clothing" on DVD. I so so enjoyed the careful transcripts that you and Mark Heath presented to the church national and I would love to hear them in the flesh.
Thank you!
Dr S A J Burgess
Me - Me - Me - Me - ME - ME!!
I want some!! Please!! ;)
I am very interested in purchasing the DVDs and am particularly interested in "History-Making Prayer" Please e-mail me with details of how to accomplish this. I don't have a webpage, but I can be contacted by e-mail: joyw@mitchell.main.nc.us
I would love to purchase these DVDs. How can I do that? Pleaes contact me at tomkofam@yahoo.com.
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