One of Terry Virgo's key gifts is that of prophecy. Whenever he comes up to prophecy, there is a sense of excitement and anticipation because this is a man who is absolutely soaked in the Word of God, and a man of prayer. He prophesied during the worship of the awesome privilidge of living in the times that we do. One line that stood out to me was;
"You have been able to eavesdrop on the plans of eternity ... You have been handpicked by the Coming King".
The CD of the prophetic words will be coming out shortly and I really hope this prophecy is on it. The sense of awe and wonder that the King should pick us was tangible!
David Stroud's address opened up the predominately Christo-centric theme of the conference by expounding Isaiah 9:1-7. David Stroud is an apostle of some remarkable stature - planting churches in Birmingham and London - where he is now based at the amazing sounding Christchurch.
So ...
"The message Isaiah brings to Ahaz is to become the predominant theme of the next 3000 years. There is a king coming who will change everything! This king will institute a new kingdom that will grow to influence the entire globe. Victory is sure! The king has four names:
1. Wonderful Counsellor.
"Wisdom is demonstrated by the powe of the words we speak. Words are one of the most powerful weapons in a leader's armoury. Look for wisdom from the Wonderful Counsellor as you make decisions".
2. Mighty King.
"To achieve the things on your heart requires the focus of a warrior and the wisdom to know what to neglect. Jesus turned His face like flint towards Jerusalem and would not be diverted".
3. Everlasting Father.
"What motivates Father God towards us at all times is compassion He didn't have to forgive us. We can go to Him over and over again for what we need so being a recipient of love makes it easier to pass it on".
4. Prince of Peace.
"A legal treaty is done and dusted. We have constant permament access to His Presence! His rule is one of peace".
Tonight: Terry Virgo's First Message.
Woww!! This sounds great. I must admit I haven't been a huge fan of David Stroud. But this sounds like a mighty sermon. A Christo-centric message at a charismatic conference!! The cessationists of T4G would be most confused.
I can't wait to read your review of Terry!!
I know what you mean re: David Stroud. I didn't really hear him much when I was living in Birmingham. I was more of the Jonathan Bell-camp. I heard David properly speak on "Building Word and Spirit Churches" in a seminar at Brighton 2003 and I was incredibly impressed. He preached my passions perfectly!
This years message on the four names of Christ is the best I've ever heard him thought. He was just excellent.
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