It was Rob Rufus speaking at the main session and the tone was set to welcome the Spirit of God. David Devenish brought a tongue that was interpreted by P J Symth and was an awesome declaration of the high praises of God. Terry Virgo brought a prophecy that really touched the feeling of change that was sweeping through the conference already. One particular line said;
"I (the Lord) am waiting for you there to manifest My sufficiency. Embrace change - welcome change!".
Rob's main address touched on six supernatural stages that lift us into an ever increasing experience of the Manifest Presence of God. One point in his introduction grabbed my attention. He said;
"Disappointment is a dangerous father of theology. If we develop our theology out of our disappointment, we will lower our expectation down to the level of our experience".
I have seen this happen! The stages then:
1. An Encounter with God that Delivers Us from Limiting Theology.
Extreme Calvinism moves us towards passivism then fatalism. "Some use the doctrines of Calvin as a bed for laziness. But I use it as a couch for my refreshment" (C H Spurgeon). If it is God's will for churches to be packed and for signs and wonders to occur then why isn't it happening? If it is His will for all to be saved, then why isn't it happening? Just because something is God's will doesn't mean it will happen.
2. Meet the Holy Spirit as a Person - Get to know Him intimately.
Being baptised in the Holy Spirit doesn't mean you have met Him as a Person. When we stand in the glory we are not after miracles but Him - the Person. No prostituting of the gifts! Just Him.
3. We must not empty the Cross of it's power.
The gospel is THE power of God! Paul preached the Cross with clarity because principalities and powers were triumphed over there.
4. A Heart for the Lost.
God spoke this to Rob: "Power comes for a purpose and if you do not have the cripples, the homosexuals, the demonised among you, then why should I manifest My glory? Bring them in and I shall bring My glory!".
5. Preach the Kingdom.
Develop a corporate anointing - it will far exceed any personal blessing.
6. Elevated by the Grace of God.
It is absolutely all by grace! Nothing is deserved - except death!
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