Like many other Christian bloggers I have given in to the temptation of
Facebook but am still struggling to get to grips with the concepts of "poking" and "graffiti" and who are friends and who are not! Anyhow I was excited to join a group called the "Downs Bible Week". I went to the Downs as a very small child so don't remember much apart from a load of tents. This photo that I found may bring back fond memories for some. I am not sure if it is from the Downs or from a very early Stoneleigh Bible Week. The man standing at the podium is
Terry Virgo and to his left is C J Mahaney and
Larry Tomczak and Nigel Ring. The worship leader with a guitar is
Dave Fellingham.
It's so good to look back and remember the awesome moves of God but trust Him in hope and expectation for greater manifestations of His Presence and power to come.
I love these incredible photographs - these monuments to history that you find. The camera is an incredible thing because the mind forgets, the will forgets what it wants to forget, but the camera captures moments in history - mountaintop experiences with God that cannot and should not be forgotten! Awesome. How I wish I was there.
Dr S A J B
it looks like it was in the 80s, as Larry's hair is short and it appears CJ has lost most of his.
I'll bet no one spoke on "indwelling sin" at this conference!
Did Larry's hair used to be long then?! Ah well if it was the 80's then I guess the photo was from Stoneleigh Bible Week! I too am sure that they didn't speak on "indwelling sin!". I wonder what - and whether any one still has the tapes! I would love to hear Larry Tomczak preach.
My dad says he remembers that year. He said Larry Tomczak was particularly amazing. I think Terry spoke three times on Nehemiah or something - the walls are down! He said it was really impacting and the Holy Spirit was really powerfully present there.
Wow this is an excellent find! What a strong preaching team they were blessed with at Stoneleigh/Downs that year!! Real apostolic/prophetic preaching!
We could always count on Larry for the big-picture message of how God is moving throughout the world today; and, scriptural insights concerning God's plan for the Church as an army of overcoming, active worshippers.
Larry's hair was longer in the 70s than is shown in this picture, but not as long as CJ's used to be (which was shoulder-length, or even longer in the early 70s!).
C J Mahaney with shoulder length hair??! Eek!
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