"So we have that man was begging for alms and they said; "Silver and gold we don't have but what we have - what we have". You can only give what you have! "What we have!". What did they have? Some kind of cerebral Bible information? If that is your experience - just Bible information then all they could have done is to take the cripples hand and give him an experience of Bible information. What did they have? The Son of God breathing on them. What did they have? Pentecost! What did they have? Tongues of fire! What did they have? Sounds of a mighty rushing wind! What did they have? Drunk in the Holy Spirit - inebriated, uninhibited, joyful dancing and singing and freedom! What did they have? Jesus!".
"Sunday Morning - Miracle Healing Weekend" - City Church, Hong Kong - Sunday 22nd June 08.
Oh Dan.
We are so "there" with every word of this blog entry, with Rob's quote.
Just last week, we talked at length with a college girl we've met (interestingly, from John Piper's church. She was visiting here in TN) who deeply questions the validity of the charismatic mindset and doctrine.
She had heard of the "baptism in the Holy Spirit". But, like many, wondered if it was for today.
Her main argument? Her biggest misgiving?
She said, "I look at the people I know - my family, and the people in my home church who do not believe in the baptism in the Holy Spirit, or that the gifts are for today...
"...and I look at people who call themselves charismatic...
Ouch. My husband and I prayed with her - she "thinks" she wants to be filled with the Spirit, but is not sure. She is a precious saint, who simply has not "seen a difference", thus not made aware of her NEED for power.
Tim and I went home, wanting to weep. We have since been praying for such a manifestation of the Spirit in our lives, that there is a HUGE difference...
You have to "have it" to give it away.
PS. You are so very wonderful, to "link" me to your blog. :-)
Hey Sheila!
Wow. Some may see that as proof. I see that as a challenge. It's a challenge to those who claim the Spirit has fallen upon us to live up to those claims!! To let the power loose through us! It's no good just talking doctrine - because that's all the cessationists and reformed folk do! Talk. Doctrine. Debate. Theology.
That's all necessary but it needs to be become REALITY. We've got such an awesome picture of what Church life in the book of Acts. How can that just be doctrine!? Lives were changed! Crowds gathered! Not because of their discussion! But because of supersonic sounds from heaven.
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