Phew ... I get up for a day's work at the end of a long, horrid week (for those who don't know I have been involved in a couple of very serious meetings at work regarding the discipline of a senior collegue accused of some nasty stuff. I've been asked to give evidence and HATE the feeling that I am snitching but am required to be honest - not sure yet whether it will go to court or not) - it's raining here in Birmingham and it's ... not a good feeling.
BUT!! Then I had God TV on in the background and over-heard that Todd Bentley will be coming to the United Kingdom AND to Birmingham!!

Will be keeping my eyes peeled for details but the event is going to be free!! Right here and now I extend an offer to any blogging friends who feel the tug to come over to the UK - if you can get here in any way you can come stay with me and we will attend the meetings all together!! This effectively answers my prayers as to whether I should go to Florida or not. We will be able to experience first-hand hopefully Todd Bentley's ministry - what's going on and the anointing on his life. And I'm EXCITED!! I hope you know me well enough by now that I am not going to be going and will lie if I experience or encounter nothing. I will report truthfully.
So ... who's coming!??!
Dan ~ God is so kind to give you something to look forward to after your hard week!! How exciting!!!
(Just thought you might want to know your last sentence before, I will report truthfully, is a bit confusing....I know what you mean though.....but thought you'd want to know....hope that's okay!)
Hi Dan!
Its me, Sheila, from Tennessee! My sweet husband just returned from Lakeland last week...he said the hunger for God there was mind-blowing. He still cannot talk about THAT many people being THAT hungry for God, without weeping.
I have finally joined the ranks of blogdom - and fondly remembered you. I have placed a link to your blog on my blog...not that it will get you a whole lot more traffic. ACK! :-)
Should you wish to visit me, my blog, such as it is, is (in honor of our precious Harvest Church, of which my husband is sr. pastor...and also a tribute to the general season of life I am in. God has me in a season of harvesting some of the good seeds I have sown in my children and in my church.)
Dan, I am sure you get too many blog links. I won't be offended if you don't make it my way...but wanted you to know I put a link to you on my blog.
Hi Sheila, nice to see you back! I'm going to check out your blog as well, thanks for the link!
Thanks for the note Lydia - shows how absolutely shattered I was when typing it! What I meant to say for those who were confused was something like this;
"If I go to the NEC and find that the manifest Presence of God is absent and there is a lot of flesh manipulation there, then I will be honest and say so. On the other hand if I do go and find that God's Presence is powerfully present and God is using Todd Bentley (as I suspect and hope He is) then I will also say so)".
We've missed you heaps and so glad you are okay - so glad you have got to have contact with what's going on in Florida. Will most certainly be visiting, reading and linking to your blog - be hugely blessed LOTS!!
I just read the same thing and am pretty excited as God-incidentally I am scheduled to be in the UK at exactly that same time.
now working out if I can get to go to the meetings - accommodation and transport issues - but God is good and this for me too is an answer to how I could test and see for myself.
thank you for your honesty.
Hi. My family, living in Gothenburg(Sweden) really want to attend meetings in Birmingham. Is the best way to come to Heathrow or Gatweek? And fly to Birmingham from there? We have no idea. We'd be very grateful if someone could help us with information. What & where is NEC? How do we get there? Any adress please, so we can book accomodation etc. Please help us! God bless! Irish
Have a look at this. September is a no show for Todd
Well that's an interesting video and sad if it's true that he can't come - but I'm getting so tired of these badly edited and put together videos by critics of revival and true moves of God - who hide behind anonymity or through false names. And this person can't even spell "Revival" right in the title!
We can argue about this pointlessly with no resolution. I on the one hand can see this as opposition by Pharisees and indeed the devil preventing a servant of God coming to bring anointing to the UK. The videomaker, sees it as "the angel of God shutting a door". Whatever.
The point remains - if we are going to criticise Todd Bentley and what he is doing - then where is our signs and wonders? Where are our miracles? Terry Virgo even said it at Together on a Mission 2008 in Brighton. The best response to concerns with what people in signs and wonders are preaching, is to PREACH THE REAL STUFF YOURSELF.
I'm rapidly losing any patience for critics of revival who are doing nothing but heresy hunting.
Well that's an interesting video and sad if it's true that he can't come - but I'm getting so tired of these badly edited and put together videos by critics of revival and true moves of God - who hide behind anonymity or through false names. And this person can't even spell "Revival" right in the title!
We can argue about this pointlessly with no resolution. I on the one hand can see this as opposition by Pharisees and indeed the devil preventing a servant of God coming to bring anointing to the UK. The videomaker, sees it as "the angel of God shutting a door". Whatever.
The point remains - if we are going to criticise Todd Bentley and what he is doing - then where is our signs and wonders? Where are our miracles? Terry Virgo even said it at Together on a Mission 2008 in Brighton. The best response to concerns with what people in signs and wonders are preaching, is to PREACH THE REAL STUFF YOURSELF.
I'm rapidly losing any patience for critics of revival who are doing nothing but heresy hunting.
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