Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Seeing Grace Everywhere!!

Monday, February 23, 2009
Terry Virgo proves me wrong ... again!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009
Ryan Rufus on Hebrews 'Warning' Passages

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Prophecy from Pete Day Re: The Grace Revolution!!
This is just so amazing. There is a great work going on, a linking of grace-lovers around the world. God is raising up grace revolutionaries in every city, and just as the printing press released the glory of justification by faith to the reformers some 500 years ago, so in this day, the e-mail, the text message, the blog, the conference, and the books, will fuel the grace revolutionaries. So no grace revolutionary need stand alone because fire is going to be imparted around the world through these means.
The grace revolutionaries are not going to have to wait months and years for fresh ammunition to come to them, but there is going to be an impartation of truth and anointing across the earth, and lonely revolutionaries are going to be filled with truth, grace and power. As the revolutionaries receive this impartation of glory, and as they pour it out to their friends and their flocks, so mighty grace revolutionary armies are going to be raised up, and church by church, with great battle, street by street, with great battle, city by city, with great battle, and ultimately nation by nation, the message of God’s grace and the accompanying cloud of His glory will envelop the globe and the Son of God will have His promised inheritance".
This prophecy in many ways answers the cries of my heart from when I was driving to work last night. I noticed that recently the "Rob Rufus - Grace and Glory Blog" has jumped hits quite considerably from around 20, 000 to 30, 000 hits! Thanks to everyone who has come and visited! I suspect it is something to do with Rob's awesome "Established in the Gift of Righteousness series" which have opened my eyes to the gift of righteousness! But while I was rejoicing in that I still had a sense of profound dissatisfaction that 30, 000 hits is such a small number when you consider the billions lost across China and the Middle Eastern world who are bound in law and legalism.
And I was crying out to God to show me how I can be more effective in playing my small part to spread the message of the fires of grace because I felt so far away from Hong Kong and from City Church and these amazing pioneers. I felt lonely! There aren't many people around here that stand for grace and glory. This prophecy answers that and the email I got this morning from Ryan Rufus that so excited me. So God has answered so quickly! And I am thrilled!
Let it be done Lord! Even so come Lord Jesus and take Your promised inheritance!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Foundation Stone Teaching on Righteousness!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Rob Rufus on Church Meetings
"Experts in the law don't enter into the miraculous or grace or the supernatural. They hold slick, well-oiled and well run effective services with a lot of loud music and sophisticated music that is impressive but you have an encounter with music and not an encounter with anointing! I have been in meetings where the music is so good that even the world can't do it that good but I come out crying and saying; "I didn't feel Your Presence at all - You weren't there. There was a lot of sweat and dancing and sophisticated music (which I love) but when I go to church, I don't want to encounter good music. I want to encounter God!".
Rob Rufus - "Established in Righteousness - Part 3 - "Faith - the Currency of Heaven" - City Church International - Hong Kong - Sunday 18th January 2009.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A Day at CCK, Brighton!!

Elijah came and confronted a king about a nation that had tragically lost its way. God had promised Abraham that through him, He would bless the whole world. They had the high privilidge of coming to Sinai and hearing the voice of God. He called them; "My Bride - I am married to you". Look at the Psalms and you will see they knew who they were. In the preceding chapters you will see over 58 years seven kings came and went and they forgot who they were. They ceased to represent God and enjoy God. Having come into the land they saw other gods here. They learned how to cultivate. King after king yielded ground and the nation that was meant to be the light of the world - now made it illegal to worship Israel's God under Ahab. Into this Elijah was sent to confront Ahab and said unless you change, God will act. God will capture your attention and bring you down! It is a bit like God pulling the plug on the banks. We are falling apart - what is going on?! God can turn a flourishing place into a desert (Psalm 107). Ahab will be further confronted by Elijah.
"How long will you limp between two opinions? If the Lord is God follow Him".
1. Behold Elijah.
We want to look like people who comes from the Presence of God and speaks with authority - that is the true prophetic church.
Where did unlearned fishermen get their boldness on the Day of Pentecost? Down through church history there has been a break out of people who know God.
2. That spells trouble.
"God is light and in Him there is no darkness". Light came into the world but men prefer darkness to light because their deeds are evil. They want to stay in the darkness. The offer of light is seen as trouble but that is the thing that you most need! The words that describe the people that charged Paul; "jealous, wicked men, mob, uproar, riot". That is the reaction that Paul got as truth is told! That is how the church is often regarded as these days. We tolerate everything apart from people who feel they know something. The message of hope and light and life is a Gospel declarer! Not trouble! We are meant to be salt and light! If we haven't got a clear message then we may as well stop speaking! He knew what he was saying was true!
Such kinds of declarations will meet with hostility. Paul says to the believers in Colosse - let your speech always be gracious. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you. Let your speech arrest the corruption. Speak when you can to stop the corrupting trend. Elijah was the hope of the nation! Not a trouble maker!
3. It is time to make your choice.
It is wonderful to know a God who comes near. He comes near! "Emmanuel - God with us".
We can start our day saying "Thank You Jesus - you are with me!". "How long will you limp between two opinions?". As a nation they hadn't totally abandoned God. Their very identity was linked with God! They knew their history and the Psalms they sang. Even Ahab's sons later in the book of Kings took over and his name was Ahaziah. Ahab called his son "Yaweh has grasped". And the second "Yaweh is exalted". This nation had a divided heart. We are not supposed to follow two masters. Jesus said you actually cant do it. It won't work! "You cannot serve God and money". Jesus used money as a kind of god. What does money offer? It offers some interesting things. "I will care for you - provide for you - give you fulfillment". Who else offers that? Money is coming with the same offer! And Jesus says you cant serve both. When a rich young ruler came to Jesus and there was an attractiveness to him but Jesus enunciates some principles and then saw right into his soul. "Sell what youve got, give it to the poor and follow Me". He couldn't do it. The man went away sad.
The tax collector - a crook and yet Jesus came to his home. He was so different. Although he was very rich and very crooked, he said he would give back. Jesus said; "Salvation has come to this house". We are appealing about who is the Lord of my life?
The only way you get salvation is a revelation of Jesus, Who He is and what He can do.
1 Corinthians 6:12. The prohibitions of Jewish lifestyle were lifted. That approach to God, trying to keep the old laws is irrevelant. You don't have to keep them! All things are lawful! The liberty of the Christian is that all things are lawful! And then he says; "I will not be mastered by anything". A good job, a nice house, a nice car, a nice wife or husband, a good education is all lawful. Christianity recognises it is Gods world and we feel very at home in it! But we aren't going to come under anyones control. Otherwise we are in danger of something becoming an idol and we cannot serve two Gods. The fact that we are free doesn't mean we become a glutton! Is that how we show our freedom?! That's not being free at all not being able to go without something!
Jesus said "Go" but hasn't He said He will work all things together for good?! What matters most? That is the appeal! We can't live with non-negotiables. Jesus is looking for ruthlessness. He calls for a radical commitment! Loving but truly revolutionary! We are saying "Jesus whatever you say". He said "How can you believe yet make no effort to attain the praise that comes from God alone?". Elijah didn't get praise from anyone but wanted the praise that came exclusively from God. 1 Cor 4:3. It is so easy to be zealous if you get some applause. You want people to see it from your point of view! Jesus modelled a completely different lifestyle. He always kept very clear. His passion was to please the Father. Even as a little boy He "must be about His Father's business" and He carried that to Gethsemane. Under the shadow of the Cross itself; "Not My will but Yours". Jesus had one intent - to please the Father.
For Him there was no alternative, nothing else appealing to Him. Here is our focused Saviour, modelling sonship for us. Equal and yet submissive. "The Father sent the Son". He was submissive so that is how He could be sent. He came to a world that lies. He came and showed us what it is like to be a Son. "You came from heaven to show the way".
You can learn objective rules and not love God. It is about how can I please Him and enjoy Him more and get to know Him better!
"For the joy set before Him He endured the Cross". We are His joy! He wants a wife like Him! "Lets go and do the Father's will". Lets not limp between two things. God is willing to bring rain! Let Him be God!".

Friday, February 13, 2009
A Brighton Getaway!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009
What's Your Identity?

Monday, February 09, 2009
The Prophetic Seals It ... Hong Kong Here We Come!!

Friday, February 06, 2009
A "Glory and Grace Blank Bible" Entry!!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Who Said It?!?!
Here it is;

Monday, February 02, 2009
The Magnificence of God!