When I first heard Ern Baxter preach the monumental series "The Land" from his series "Where Are We Going?" at the Dales Bible Week 1976 I felt God promise that while Ern Baxter was like Moses up the mountain - seeing the land before him - generations of leadership would rise up who would look into the land and begin to see the way. This sermon was one of those times.

His text was: Acts 19:1-26, 20:17, 25, 29, 31, 36.
Dave began by noting the two logos behind him. "Together on a Mission" and "Mobilise". He said that they combine well together and if you take them in different combinations - each combination is challenging.
Mobilise Together.
Mobilise for Mission.
Mobilise for Mission Together.
All generations are included in this great mission! What is our mission? It is simply this; "All the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea". It is God's will that He be known throughout the world! God wants us to be influences in the world as the mission grows ever greater and we must remember - His mission is to fill the earth! Ephesus was a taster and a model for that.
What was Paul's strategy for Ephesus?
1. Establish a base church with influence.
Ephesus and Antioch were established bases of light to darkened places. The timing of establishing places needs to be prophetically led by the Spirit of God.
2. Ensure key values were established in the core group.
The church is a community of the Spirit.
3. Consistent Teaching of Apostolic Revelation.
It was spread through Asia - there was amazing revelation! (Ephesians 3:2). The apostolic revelation is a body of foundational truth. There is a "Big Picture" - Genesis to Revelation. If anyone is in Christ they are a new beginning. A new creation! The revelation is of a new people from every tribe and every tongue!
4. Power Evangelism.
"Paul did literally no ordinary miracles". The anointing is something that can be felt and passed on. We need faith for the people who will take handkerchiefs and pass them on so that more may be healed. God opens the way so that we will know just what to do and where to go. God makes the ordinary extraordinary!
5. They confronted the culture and the world view.
Issues are dealt with and whole cultures are affected.
6. Paul models relational servant leadership.
Paul wasn't just on platforms but went from house to house forging genuine relationships - hence when it came time for him to leave Ephesus the people were genuinely grieved.
7. He endured massive opposition.
8. Be prepared for future advance.
- Our call! To the unreached regions of the earth!
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